§ 8110-5.1. Sign standards.  

Latest version.
    Sign Type On-Site Off-Site
    Attached Freestanding Freestanding
    Messages (l)
    Real Estate (a) Tract (b, k)
    Maximum number per lot 1 1 1 1
    Permitted area (square feet) Lesser of 20 or F*/20 (o) Lesser of 25 or F*/10 (square feet) 12(c) 72
    Maximum Height (feet) Not above wall to which it is attached 5 10 10
    Maximum Length (feet) (d) 10 16 16


    Sign Type On-Site Off-Site
    Attached Freestanding Freestanding
    Identification Real Estate (a) Advertising (e) Tract (f, k)
    Maximum number per lot No limit (g) 1 1, Irrespective of type
    Permitted area (square feet) (h) Greater of 10 or F*/5 to max. of 200
    12(c) See Sec.
    Maximum Height (feet) (i) Lesser of 25 or height of highest building on site 16 25 10
    Maximum Length (feet) (d) 25 25 25(j) 16


    Regulatory Notes:

    * F = Total street frontage of lot in linear feet.


    Only those real estate signs over twelve (12) square feet require Zoning Clearance.


    Prohibited in open space zones; see also Section 8110-6.12.


    Real estate signs may exceed twelve (12) square feet by one square foot for each ten (10) feet by which the width of the lot, or two or more contiguous lots in single ownership, exceeds seventy (70) feet, to a maximum of seventy-two (72) square feet.


    Sign may be as long as the building wall to which it is attached, and may wrap around a corner, but may not project beyond a corner.


    Permitted in M2 and M3 zones only; see also Section 8110-6.7.


    Permitted on vacant property in CPD and M-zones only; see also Section 8110-6.12.


    Large sites may have signs five hundred (500) feet apart; maximum two hundred (200) square feet of total freestanding sign area per lot. A drive-through restaurant may have an extra sixteen (16) square foot menu board; see Section 8110-6.14.


    Each wall or building face is permitted one square foot of sign area per linear foot of wall length; maximum one hundred twenty (120) square feet, regardless of the number of signs.


    Sign may not extend above the eaves of a gable roof, nor more than two feet above the face of the canopy or a parapet wall to which it is attached.


    For three hundred seventy-five (375) square-foot signs, the length may be increased to thirty-six (36) feet.


    Prohibited in SRP Overlay Zone; see also Section 8109-4.1.4(b).


    Agricultural sales facilities may have additional signs in accordance with Section 8107-6.1.6.


    Assembly Uses may have up to twenty (20) square feet of attached sign regardless of lot width.


    Assembly Uses may have up to twenty-five (25) square feet of freestanding sign regardless of lot width.


    Principal structures related to agriculture, except shade/mist structures, over twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in size, may have one square foot of sign area per two linear feet of wall length, regardless of the number of signs. The Planning Director may approve additional sign area, to a maximum total of one hundred twenty (120) square feet per qualified building, as part of a complete sign program for the site. Such sign program may be approved as a modification to an existing permit, such as a Conditional Use Permit or Planned Development Permit. If no such permit exists for the site, the applicant shall submit the sign program as part of a Planned Development Permit.

    (Am. Ord. 3730—5/7/85; Am. Ord. 3810—5/5/87; Am. Ord. 4054—2/1/94; Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96; Am. Ord. 4215—10/24/00; Am. Ord. 4216—10/24/00; Am. Ord. 4317—3/15/05; Am. Ord. 4390—9/9/08)

(Ord. No. 4411, § 5, 3-2-2010)