§ 8110-6.4. Display structures for pedestrian viewing.  

Latest version.
  • Such structures are allowed subject to conditions stated in a CUP or PD Permit in all commercial zones, and may include enclosed display of products sold or bulletin-type advertising stands which may or may not serve other functional purposes, such as kiosks, covers for inclement weather and the like, or they may serve as an additional structural element visually to enhance pedestrian ways or landscaped or parking areas.


    Location—Such structures shall not be located in any required setbacks.


    Area—The area of pedestrian sign display structures shall be in accordance with Sec. 8110-5.1 (matrix), and may be allowed in addition to sign area otherwise permitted for the lot.


    Lighting—Illumination of pedestrian sign display structures such as kiosks may be by indirect or diffused light only.