§ 8110-6.9.1. Attached signs.  

Latest version.
  • Attached signs are permitted as follows:


    Maximum permitted area in square feet is three times the square root of the area (in square feet) of the wall or canopy face. Maximum 200 square feet for all attached signs, except that when wall area exceeds 5,000 square feet, the sign area may be increased by ten square feet for each additional 500 square feet of wall area over 5,000, to a maximum of 300 square feet.

    (Am. Ord. 3749—10/29/85)


    Maximum height—16 feet, provided that the sign does not extend above the eaves of a gable roof nor more than two feet above the face of the canopy or parapet wall to which it is attached.


    Brand name insignia, emblems or medallions may be attached to the building frontage of the service station. Symbol background area may be 14 square feet maximum per symbol, maximum ten feet horizontally and maximum eight feet vertically.