Article 11. Entitlements—process and procedures  

§ 8111-0. Purpose.
§ 8111-1. Entitlements.
§ 8111-1.1. Ministerial entitlements and modifications.
§ 8111-1.1.1. Zoning clearance: Purpose of.
§ 8111-1.1.2. Zoning clearance with waivers.
§ 8111-1.2 Discretionary. entitlements.
§ 8111-1.2.1. Discretionary Permits.
§ 8111- General permit approval standards.
§ 8111- Permit approval standards for outdoor events and assembly uses.
§ 8111- Additional standards for A-E zone.
§ 8111- Compliance with other documents.
§ 8111- Additional standards for overlay zones.
§ 8111- Additional standard for hazardous waste collection, treatment and storage facilities and hazardous waste disposal facilities.
§ 8111- Additional standards for R-P-D zone.
§ 8111- Additional standards for Cultural Heritage Sites.
§ 8111-1.2.2. Variances.
§ 8111- Purpose.
§ 8111- Standards for variances.
§ 8111- Burden of proof.
§ 8111- Administrative variances by planning director approval.
§ 8111- Duration.
§ 8111-1.3. Other entitlements.
§ 8111-1.3.1. Tree permit.
§ 8111-1.3.2. Film permit.
§ 8111-2. Filing and processing of application requests.
§ 8111-2.1. Submission of applications.
§ 8111-2.2. Applications.
§ 8111-2.3. Content of applications.
§ 8111-2.4. Applicant's responsibilities.
§ 8111-2.5. Review and conditioning of applications.
§ 8111-2.5.1. Earthquake Fault zones.
§ 8111-2.5.2. Abandoned oil/gas wells.
§ 8111-2.5.3. Abandoned water wells.
§ 8111-2.6. No vesting of rights.
§ 8111-2.7. Nullification.
§ 8111-2.8. Sureties.
§ 8111-2.9. Fees.
§ 8111-2.9.1. Exemptions.
§ 8111-2.9.2. Late filing fees.
§ 8111-2.9.3. Billing method.
§ 8111-2.9.4. Failure to pay.
§ 8111-2.10. Continuance of permit during application renewal process.
§ 8111-3. Notice and hearing procedures.
§ 8111-3.1. Notice.
§ 8111-3.1.1. All hearing notices prepared pursuant to this Article shall include the date, time and place of the hearing, the identity of the hearing body or officer, a general explanation of the matter to be considered, and a general description, in text or by diagram, of the subject property.
§ 8111-3.1.2. Whenever a hearing is required under this Article before an application can be acted upon, the Planning Division shall set a date, time and place for the matter to be heard, and shall give public notice of the hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation at least ten days prior to the hearing.
§ 8111-3.1.3. In addition, if the hearing involves a discretionary permit (other than an Emergency Use Authorization) or modification thereto, a variance or modification or revocation thereof, an appeal regarding any variance or discretionary permit, or a zoning ordinance amendment which affects the permitted uses of property, then a written notice, postage prepaid, shall be mailed to all of the following at least ten days before the hearing:
§ 8111-3.1.4. Notification shall also be mailed or delivered, at least ten days prior to the hearing, to any person who has filed a written request for such notice with the Planning Director or the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
§ 8111-3.1.5. In the case of appeal hearings, notice shall also be provided to the appellant and, if applicable, to the County official, department, Board or Commission whose order, requirement, permit, decision or determination is the subject of the appeal.
§ 8111-3.2. Hearing procedures.
§ 8111-3.3. Public hearing quorum.
§ 8111-3.4. Referrals.
§ 8111-3.5. Continued matters.
§ 8111-4. Decisions.
§ 8111-4.1. Deferral of decisions on applications.
§ 8111-4.1.1. The Planning Director may defer any decision on a Planned Development Permit or Conditional Use Permit application or modification, suspension, or revocation thereto, to the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors at any time up to 30 days after the close of the administrative public hearing if the project:
§ 8111-4.1.2. The Planning Commission may defer a decision on an entitlement to the Board of Supervisors in cases where two entitlements regarding the same property or site are being processed concurrently, and the Board is the decision-making authority for one of the entitlements.
§ 8111-4.2. Decision options.
§ 8111-4.3. Notice of final decision.
§ 8111-4.4. Effective date of decisions.
§ 8111-4.4.1. An administrative decision or a decision of the Planning Commission is effective at the expiration of the decision's appeal period unless an appeal, in proper form and addressed to the appropriate decision-making authority, is filed with the Planning Director prior to the expiration of the appeal period.
§ 8111-4.4.2. A decision of the Board of Supervisors is effective on the date it is rendered.
§ 8111-4.5. Effect of an appeal.
§ 8111-4.6. Implementation.
§ 8111-4.7. Expiration.
§ 8111-5. Reapplication.
§ 8111-6. Modification, suspension and revocation.
§ 8111-6.1. Modification of permits.
§ 8111-6.1.1. Permit or variance adjustment.
§ 8111-6.1.2. Minor modification.
§ 8111-6.1.3. Major modification.
§ 8111-6.2. Modification, suspension and revocation for cause.
§ 8111-6.2.1. Modification for violations.
§ 8111-6.2.2. Nonwaiver.
§ 8111-6.2.3. Prohibition.
§ 8111-7. Appeals.
§ 8111-7.1. General.
§ 8111-7.2. Hearing body.
§ 8111-7.3. Appeal period.
§ 8111-7.4. Hearing and notice.
§ 8111-7.4.1. The Planning Director shall deliver all pertinent information relating to the matter on appeal to the authority hearing the appeal prior to the date of the hearing, unless otherwise directed by that authority.
§ 8111-7.4.2. A matter on appeal may be referred back to the preceding decision-making authority for further report, information or study.
§ 8111-7.4.3. Whenever a matter on appeal has been referred back to the preceding decision-making authority, said authority shall respond within 30 calendar days following the date of such referral, unless otherwise specified by the decision-making authority making the referral.
§ 8111-7.4.4. Hearings on multiple appeals may be consolidated.
§ 8111-7.5. Appellate decision.
§ 8111-7.6. Accessory dwelling unit procedures.
§ 8111-8. Compliance with zoning ordinance requirements and permit conditions.
§ 8111-8.1. Responsibility for compliance with regulations and permit conditions.
§ 8111-8.2. Acceptance of permit conditions.
§ 8111-8.3. Recording notice of responsibilities.
§ 8111-9. Reasonable accommodation.
§ 8111-9.1. Purpose.
§ 8111-9.2. Fair housing reasonable accommodation requests.
§ 8111-9.3. Fair housing reasonable accommodation determination.
§ 8111-9.4. Standards for determining fair housing reasonable accommodation requests.
§ 8111-9.5. Conditions of approval.
§ 8111-9.6. Written determination on the request for reasonable accommodation.
§ 8111-9.7. Appeals.
§ 8111-9.8. Limitations on approvals of fair housing reasonable accommodation requests.

(Rep./Reen. Ord. 3730—5/7/85)

(Rep./Reen. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)