§ 8111- Permit approval standards for outdoor events and assembly uses.  

Latest version.
  • Conditional use permits authorizing outdoor events and assembly uses shall be granted if all billed fees and charges for processing the application that are due for payment have been paid and if all of the following standards are met. An application for a conditional use permit shall not be denied on the basis of the content of protected expression associated with the proposed use. The applicant shall have the burden of proving to the satisfaction of the appropriate decision-making authority that the following standards can be met. Specific factual findings shall be made by the decision-making authority to support the conclusion that each of these standards, if applicable, can be satisfied.


    The proposed use is compliant with applicable provisions of the County's General Plan and of Division 8, Chapter 1 of the Ventura County Ordinance Code;


    The proposed use can coexist in relative proximity, and is not expected to unduly interfere with, the existing land uses of the surrounding area as determined based on the following land use factors:


    Whether the proposed use would generate offsite noise louder than ambient noise levels by considering: (i) the volume and times of day such noise would be generated; (ii) the proximity of the proposed use to the nearest offsite noise sensitive receptors such as dwellings, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and libraries; (iii) the topography of the surrounding area likely to affect how noise travels; and (iv) the existence of other nearby uses likely to generate offsite noise at similar times; and


    Whether the proposed use would generate vehicular traffic affecting the level of service of a road segment or intersection located within one (1) mile of the proposed use as determined pursuant to Section 27a(1), "Transportation and Circulation - Roads and Highways - Levels of Service (LOS)," of the County's Initial Study Assessment Guidelines, as such section may be amended or renumbered;


    The proposed use would not be detrimental to public health and safety as determined based on the following land use factors:


    Whether public and private roads and driveways used to access the site of the proposed use can safely accommodate all vehicular traffic associated with the proposed use, including emergency vehicles, and meet all applicable requirements of the Ventura County Fire Code; and


    Whether the proposed use or site of the proposed use would create risk of harm to persons, nearby properties, or the environment based on fire hazards, geologic hazards, flood hazards, hazardous materials, or increased risk of vandalism or trespass that cannot be controlled through reasonable event security.


    The proposed use will occur on a legal lot; and


    The proposed use is approved in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and all other applicable laws.

    If all standards cannot be satisfied, specific written factual findings shall be made by the decision-making authority to support that conclusion.

(Ord. No. 4526, § 4, 7-17-2018)