§ 8111-2.9.3. Billing method.  

Latest version.
  • Once a project has been acted upon and inaugurated or the application is either withdrawn or closed, the applicant shall be billed for the balance of fees and charges up to the ceiling amount as specified by the adopted schedule of fees and charges. Should final costs be less than the deposit fee, the unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded to the applicant. Upon written request to the Operations Division of the Resource Management Agency, an accounting of all fees and charges billed to the applicant shall be made available. An applicant may request, or the County may require, incremental billing for processing costs of an application request. All fees and charges shall be due and payable within 30 days of the date of any billing invoice. If billed fees and charges are not paid within 30 days of the invoice date, a penalty charge of five percent of the unpaid balance will be added to the balance due. Each month thereafter, an interest charge of two percent of the unpaid balance shall be added and compounded until the bill is paid in full. Whenever fees and charges are not paid as prescribed, the County shall pursue collection of said fees and charges in a diligent manner, and the permit/entitlement is subject to revocation.