§ 8111-4.1.1. The Planning Director may defer any decision on a Planned Development Permit or Conditional Use Permit application or modification, suspension, or revocation thereto, to the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors at any time up to 30 days after the close of the administrative public hearing if the project:  

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  • For the Planning Commission:


    May result in significant adverse environmental impacts which cannot be mitigated to less than significant levels; or


    Involves significant public controversy; or


    May be in conflict with County policies, or would necessitate the establishment of new policies; or


    May be precedent setting; or


    Should be deferred for any other cause deemed justifiable by the Planning Director.

    For the Board of Supervisors:


    Was heard by the Board of Supervisors as the original decision making body; or


    Was last heard on appeal by the Board of Supervisors and the issue involves, or is related to, one of the points of appeal; or


    Involves interpretation or new policy making on a substantial issue that clearly requires Board of Supervisors involvement; or


    Should be deferred for any other cause deemed justifiable by the Planning Director.

(Am. Ord. 4216—10/24/00)