§ 8111-6.1.1. Permit or variance adjustment.  

Latest version.
  • Any change which would not alter any of the findings made pursuant to Sections. 8111- through or Section 8111-, nor any findings contained in the environmental document prepared for the permit or variance, and would not have any adverse impact on surrounding properties, may be deemed a permit or variance adjustment and acted upon by the Planning Director or designee without a hearing. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, the following:


    A cumulative increase or decrease of not more than ten (10) percent in gross floor area; permit area; the area of walls, fences, or similar structures used as screening; height; parking area; landscaping area; or total area of on-site identification signs; provided that any resulting increase in parking space requirements will be accommodated on-site or off-site as described in Section 8108-3.3.1.


    Internal remodeling or minor architectural changes or embellishments involving no change in basic architectural style.


    A change in use where the new use requires the same or a lesser permit than the existing use; or the establishment of a new use in an unoccupied building that has been granted a permit; provided, in both cases, that any resulting increase in parking space requirements will be accommodated on-site or offsite as described in Section 8108-3.3.1.

(Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96; Am. Ord. 4144—7/22/97; Ord. No. 4407, § 8, 10-20-2009; Ord. No. 4470, § 5, 3-24-2015)