§ 8112-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in this Section:

    AQMP—The Air Quality Management Plan for Ventura County, including all appendices thereto, as amended from time to time.

    AQMP Figure E-1 and AQMP Table E-6—Figure E-1 and Table E-6, respectively, of Appendix E-87 to the version of the AQMP adopted July 26, 1988, or if such figure and table are amended by later versions of the AQMP, the most recent versions of such figure and table, however numbered.

    Completed Dwelling Unit—A dwelling unit that is or could be lawfully occupied without the issuance of any further certificate of occupancy, certificate of final inspection or similar document.

    Current Number of Dwelling Units—As of any given point in time, the total number of:


    Completed Dwelling Units; plus


    dwelling units that are not yet Completed Dwelling Units but for which a Current Residential Permit has been issued; plus


    dwelling units that are not yet Completed Dwelling Units but for which an unexpired building permit has been issued by the City of Ojai.

    Current Residential Permit—A Residential Permit that has been issued and has not yet expired.

    Developable Lot—A lot that:


    is a legal lot;


    meets all of the requirements set forth in Section 8111-2.2.1, subdivision (a), for the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for construction of an additional dwelling unit; and


    has been issued all discretionary permits, if any, that are a condition precedent to issuance of a building permit for an additional dwelling unit;

    provided that, if the lot could lawfully be developed with more than one additional dwelling unit the lot shall, for the purposes of this Article, be deemed to contain one Developable Lot for each such additional dwelling unit.

    Maximum Permissible Number of Dwelling Units—As of any given point in time, the total number of dwelling units that, according to AQMP Table E-6, are forecasted to be in the Ojai Valley on January 1 of the second succeeding calendar year. For example, AQMP Table E-6 forecasts that there will be 11,044 dwelling units in the Ojai Valley on January 1, 1992. Hence, the Maximum Permissible Number of Dwelling Units for any given point of time in 1990 is 11,044. The second succeeding calendar year is selected in recognition of the fact that it takes approximately one year to complete a dwelling unit after the requisite permits have been issued.

    Ojai Valley—The area comprised of all those areas referred to in AQMP Table E-6 as the "Ojai GA," "Ojai NGA," "Ventura River GA," and "Ventura River NGA," and depicted on AQMP Figure E-1 as the "Growth Area" and the "Nongrowth Area" for "Ojai" and "Ventura River Valley."

    Residential Permit—A ministerial permit issued by the Planning Director pursuant to Section 8112-6.