§ 8112-5.2. Waiting List B.  

Latest version.
  • The record owner of two or more Developable Lots located within the unincorporated portion of the Ojai Valley may cause such lots to be listed on Waiting List B, or cause space to be reserved for later listing of such lots on Waiting List B, by submitting a completed application for such listing or reservation in the form approved by the Planning Director together with the payment of the processing fee established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. No such application shall be accepted if any record owner, in whole or in part, of such lots would, after such lots had been listed or spaces therefor been reserved, be the record owner, in whole or in part, of more than the permitted maximum number of listed lots and reserved spaces in the aggregate on Waiting List B which had been placed on such list in the same calendar year. For the purpose of this Article, the record owner of lots for which spaces have been reserved on Waiting List B shall be deemed to be the record owner of such reserved spaces. Further, no such application shall be accepted if, after such lots had been listed or spaces therefor had been reserved, the total number of lots from a single subdivision listed on Waiting List B plus the total number of spaces reserved on Waiting List B for lots from that same subdivision would be more than the permitted maximum number. Lots are "from a single subdivision" if they are depicted on a single approved tentative map and were created by one or more final or parcel maps recorded in compliance with such tentative map. The "permitted maximum number" of listed lots and spaces that can be owned by a record owner or be from a single subdivision is ten (10), unless all of such lots and spaces have received a density bonus and a Planned Development Permit for an affordable or senior housing development pursuant to Article 16.

(Ord. No. 4455, § 6, 10-22-2013)