§ 8112-5.2.2. Reserved spaces.  

Latest version.
  • If the application is for the reservation of one or more spaces on the waiting list, the following procedures shall apply. Each application shall identify the specific lots which could potentially be listed in such space or spaces. For example, the record owner of ten lots could reserve space on the waiting list for five lots. The application would identify each of the ten lots which could potentially be listed in such five spaces, but would not have to specify which five out of the ten would ultimately be listed. Each accepted application shall be marked with the time and date of its acceptance by the Planning Director. The number of spaces to which an accepted application relates shall be reserved on Waiting List B in the chronological order of such acceptance. Such owner may submit multiple applications pertaining to the same group of potentially listed lots provided that the number of spaces reserved for such group of lots in the aggregate does not exceed the total number of such lots which are not yet specifically listed but are still owned as a matter of record by such owner. For example, the record owner of ten lots identified for potential listing for which five spaces had been reserved could later reserve a maximum of five additional spaces farther down the list pertaining to the same ten lots. The person designated on the application for such purposes or such person's designee shall have the authority to specify which particular lot identified in the application for potential listing will actually be listed in each space reserved therefor regardless of whether ownership of the lots has changed. Such specification shall be made by submitting to the Planning Director a completed form satisfactory to the Planning Director. Such form must be submitted prior to submission of an application for a building permit respecting such reserved space. The lot so specified shall then be listed on Waiting List B in the space to which it has been assigned.