§ 8112-7. Issuance of building permits.  

Latest version.
  • All of the requirements for issuance of the building permit for which a Residential Permit is required must be satisfied within 90 calendar days following the date on which the application for the building permit was accepted pursuant to Section 8112-6; provided, however, that for good cause shown prior to the expiration of such 90-day period the Building Official may extend such period for an additional period not to exceed 30 calendar days. Any decision to grant or deny such an extension shall be final and conclusive when announced by the Building Official. If any of such requirements is not satisfied within such 90-day period or any extension thereof, the building permit shall not be issued, the lot shall be stricken from the waiting list, and the Residential Permit shall expire. If all such requirements are satisfied within such 90-day period or any extension thereof, the building permit shall be issued and the lot shall be stricken from the waiting list. When a building permit is issued, the Residential Permit shall remain in effect until either the building permit expires or the unit becomes a Completed Dwelling Unit, at which time the Residential Permit shall expire.