Article 13. Nonconformities and Substandard Lots  

§ 8113-0. Purpose.
§ 8113-1. Nonconforming structures.
§ 8113-1.1. Nonconforming facilities for nonmotorized wheeled conveyances.
§ 8113-1.2. Nonconforming wireless communication facilities.
§ 8113-2. Continuation of existing nonconforming mobilehomes.
§ 8113-2.1. A nonconforming mobilehome used as a residence under a Continuation Permit in lieu of any and all other residences permitted or conditionally permitted for any purpose may continue to be used as a residence by a new owner if a complete application for a Planning Director Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is received within 60 days of written notice being provided to the owner of the land on which the mobilehome is located that the Continuation Permit has expired and, thereafter, if the CUP is obtained and the following conditions are met:
§ 8113-2.2. Mobilehomes used as residences under a Planning Director Conditional Use Permit between July 24, 1978 and July 2, 1981, may continue to be used as such if no other residence was located on the subject site at any time between July 24, 1978 and the time of issuance of the Planning Director Conditional Use Permit, provided that either: 1) a modification to renew the Planning Director Conditional Use Permit is obtained; or 2) the status of the mobilehome as a single family dwelling meets the provisions of Section 8107-1.3.3 and the parking space requirements of Section 8108-4.7.
§ 8113-3. Nonconforming uses due only to changes in parking requirements.
§ 8113-3.1. Expansion and conformance.
§ 8113-3.1.1. Exception.
§ 8113-3.2. Changes of use.
§ 8113-3.3. Discontinuance and change of use status.
§ 8113-4. The keeping of animals.
§ 8113-5. Other nonconforming uses (no longer permitted).
§ 8113-5.1. Uses not involving permanent structures.
§ 8113-5.2. Uses within structures subject to amortization.
§ 8113-5.2.1. Expansion and change of use prohibited.
§ 8113-5.2.2. Discontinuance or change of use status.
§ 8113-5.2.3. Notice of amortization.
§ 8113-5.2.4. Notice of termination and order to comply.
§ 8113-5.2.5. Reserved.
§ 8113-5.3. Uses not amortized.
§ 8113-5.3.1. Expansion.
§ 8113-5.3.2. Change of use.
§ 8113-5.3.3. Discontinuance and change of use status.
§ 8113-5.4. Continuance of nonconforming uses and structures.
§ 8113-5.5. Expansion of nonconforming uses in the Open Space zone.
§ 8113-6. Destruction.
§ 8113-6.1. Uses not amortized.
§ 8113-6.1.1. Whenever any such structure is voluntarily removed, damaged or destroyed to the extent of fifty (50) percent or less of its floor or roof area which existed before destruction, or is involuntarily damaged or destroyed in whole or in part, the structure may be restored to its original state existing before such removal, damage or destruction. The occupancy or use of the structure or part thereof which existed at the time of the damage or destruction may be continued if a complete building permit application for a replacement structure has been submitted to the Building and Safety Division within a period of twelve (12) months after the occurrence of the damage or destruction, and said building permit once approved is diligently pursued to completion prior to permit expiration.
§ 8113-6.1.2. Whenever any such structure is voluntarily removed, damaged or destroyed to the extent of more than 50 percent of its floor or roof area which existed before destruction, no structural alterations, repairs or reconstruction shall be made unless every portion of such structure and the use are made to conform to the regulations of the zone classification in which they are located.
§ 8113-6.2. Uses amortized.
§ 8113-6.2.1. Whenever any such structure is voluntarily or involuntarily removed, damaged or destroyed to the extent of 50 percent or less of its floor or roof area before destruction, the structure may be restored to its original state existing before such removal, damage or destruction. The occupancy or use of the structure or part thereof which existed at the time of the partial destruction may be continued if the restoration is started within a period of 12 months after the occurrence of the partial destruction and is diligently pursued to completion. The 50 percent standard is a cumulative figure for voluntary removal. Successive alterations to the same structure that exceed a cumulative 50 percent cannot be made.
§ 8113-6.2.2. Whenever any such structure is voluntarily or involuntarily removed, damaged or destroyed to the extent of more than 50 percent of its floor or roof area before such removal, damage or destruction, no structural alterations, repairs or reconstruction shall be made unless every portion of such structure and the use are made to conform to the regulations of the zone classification in which they are located.
§ 8113-7. Additional use.
§ 8113-8. Use of nonconforming lots.
§ 8113-9. Involuntary nonconformance.
§ 8113-10. Effect of change of zoning regulations.
§ 8113-10.1. On authorized uses under discretionary permits.
§ 8113-10.2. On uses requiring a ministerial decision.
§ 8113-10.3. Where the only change is in the type of permit required.