§ 8115-3.4. Action by the Board of Supervisors.  

Latest version.
  • Following a public hearing, the Board of Supervisors may approve, modify or disapprove any Planning Commission recommendation regarding an amendment request; provided that any modification of the proposed ordinance or amendment by the Board of Supervisors not previously considered by the Planning Commission during its hearing shall first be referred to the Commission for a report and recommendation, and the public hearing shall be continued to allow sufficient time for the Planning Commission to report back. The Planning Commission shall not be required to hold a public hearing thereon. Failure of the Commission to report within 40 days after such referral or within a period of time designated by the Board of Supervisors shall be deemed to be approval by the Commission of the proposed modification. A modification shall be deemed "previously considered" if the modification of the proposed ordinance or amendment by the Board of Supervisors is based upon the issues and evidence initially heard by the Planning Commission.