§ 8116-9. Affordable housing agreement and equity sharing agreement.  

Latest version.
  • No density bonus pursuant to Section 8116-2 shall be granted unless and until the affordable housing developer, or its designee approved in writing by the Planning Director, enters into an affordable housing agreement and, if applicable, an equity sharing agreement, with the County or its designee pursuant to and in compliance with this Section. (Government Code Section 65915(c).) The agreements shall be in the form provided by the County which shall contain terms and conditions mandated by, or necessary to implement, state law and this Article. The Planning Director may designate a qualified administrator or entity to administer the provisions of this Section on behalf of the County. The affordable housing agreement shall be recorded prior to, or concurrently with, final map recordation or, where the qualified housing development does not include a map, prior to issuance of a building permit for any structure on the site. The Planning Director is hereby authorized to enter into the agreements authorized by this Section on behalf of the County upon approval of the agreements by County Counsel for legal form and sufficiency.

(Ord. No. 4455, § 7, 10-22-2013)