§ 8117-6. Application filing requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The application shall be accompanied by the following:


    Concept Plan—A plan indicating the proposed use the park site is intended to accommodate, including the approximate number of proposed residential units, if any; approximate square footage and use of any buildings proposed; and the probable impacts/benefits to the community created by the proposed project.


    Site Plan—A site plan of the existing mobilehome park showing the existing layout, with all existing mobilehome spaces identified by number and indicating whether the space is currently occupied, and other site features.


    Residents List—A list of the names and addresses of all current residents of the mobilehome park.


    Housing and Financial Impact Report—A report on the housing and financial impacts of the removal of the mobilehomes upon all displaced residents including:


    Rental rate history for each space for the previous five years;


    Monthly vacancy rate for each month during the preceding two years;


    Makeup of existing resident households, including family size, length of residence, age of residents, estimated household income, and whether they are receiving federal or State rent subsidies;


    The date of manufacture, size and condition of each mobilehome in the park;


    An analysis of moving existing mobilehomes which shall include, but not be limited to, the availability of other sites; the total costs of relocating mobilehomes to a new location; and the feasibility of existing mobilehomes being accepted at other locations.


    Relocation Assistance Plan—A plan which clearly states all measures proposed by the applicant to mitigate any identifiable adverse impacts of the proposed closure or conversion of use on the residents of the mobilehome park who would be displaced thereby. Displaced residents must be provided with relocation benefits that bear a relationship to the cost of displaced residents' finding alternative housing. Relocation benefits shall be determined on a case by case basis. With regard to mobilehomes which cannot be moved to another mobilehome park, consideration shall be given to the purchase of such mobilehomes by the applicant at their appraised fair market value as determined by an independent appraiser utilizing principles applicable in relocation matters. The foregoing applies when the mobilehome owner resides in the unit. However, a nonresident mobilehome owner shall not be eligible for any other relocation benefits except those associated with the relocation or purchase of a qualifying mobilehome.

    Persons who own mobilehomes or who are tenants in the mobilehome park at the time notice of closure is given will be eligible for relocation assistance as determined in the finally approved Relocation Assistance Plan. Persons who become mobilehome owners or tenants after the time notice is provided pursuant to Section 8117-4 may be only eligible for partial relocation assistance as determined in the Relocation Assistance Plan as finally approved.


    Proof of Service of Notice—The applicant shall provide evidence, by proof of service or by other means, that he/she has given the notice required by Section 8117-4 to all applicable residents and mobilehome owners, and continues to give such notice to all new potential residents.


    List of Surrounding Property Owners—A list of all real property owners within a radius of 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the Assessor Parcel(s) which is subject of the application. Names and addresses shall be obtained from the latest equalized assessment roll.


    Other Information—The applicant shall provide any other information which the Planning Director reasonably believes is necessary for the purposes of properly evaluating the Mobilehome Park Closure Permit request.

(Am. Ord. 4054—2/1/94)