Article 19. Specific Standards for Area Plans

§ 8119-0. Purpose.
§ 8119-1. Old Town Saticoy Development Code.
§ 8119-1.1. Introduction.
§ 8119-1.1.1. Definitions.
§ 8119-1.1.2. Purpose and Objectives.
§ 8119-1.1.3. Description of Zones.
§ 8119-1.1.4. Applicability.
§ 8119-1.1.5. Permitting Process.
§ 8119-1.1.6. Application Materials.
§ 8119-1.1.7. Development Code Content.
§ 8119-1.1.8. How to Use the Development Code.
§ 8119-1.2. Permitted Uses.
§ 8119-1.3. Zoning Standards.
§ 8119-1.3.1. Town Center (TC) Zone.
§ 8119-1.3.2. Residential/Mixed Use (R/MU) Zone.
§ 8119-1.3.3. Residential (RES) Zone.
§ 8119-1.3.4. Industrial (IND) Zone.
§ 8119-1.4. Building Type Standards.
§ 8119-1.4.1. Allowable Building Types by Zone.
§ 8119-1.4.2. Requirements for all Building Types.
§ 8119-1.4.3. Commercial/Mixed-Use Building.
§ 8119-1.4.4. Courtyard Building.
§ 8119-1.4.5. Townhouse.
§ 8119-1.4.6. Small Apartment Building.
§ 8119-1.4.7. Triplex and Quadplex.
§ 8119-1.4.8. Single-Family House and Duplex.
§ 8119-1.4.9. Industrial Building.
§ 8119-1.4.10. Accessory Dwellings (and other habitable structures).
§ 8119-1.4.11. Accessory Structure (Non-habitable).
§ 8119-1.5. Frontage Type Standards.
§ 8119-1.5.1. Allowable Frontage Types by Building Type.
§ 8119-1.5.2. Shopfront.
§ 8119-1.5.3. Shopfront with Arcade.
§ 8119-1.5.4. Stoop.
§ 8119-1.5.5. Porch.
§ 8119-1.5.6. Front Yard.
§ 8119-1.5.7. Industrial Frontage.
§ 8119-1.6. Signage Standards.
§ 8119-1.6.1. Allowable Signage Types by Zone.
§ 8119-1.6.2. Signage Programs.
§ 8119-1.6.3. Requirements for all Signs.
§ 8119-1.6.4. Projecting Sign.
§ 8119-1.7. Park Standards.
§ 8119-1.7.1. Allowable Park Types by Zone.
§ 8119-1.7.2. Park Definitions.
§ 8119-1.7.3. Park Size Requirements.
§ 8119-1.7.4. Requirements for all Parks.
§ 8119-1.8. Additional Requirements.
§ 8119-1.8.1. Building Placement Standards.
§ 8119-1.8.2. Building Height Measurement and Standards.
§ 8119-1.8.3. Fences, Walls and Hedges.
§ 8119-1.8.4. Cultural Heritage Sites.
§ 8119-1.8.5. Standards for Specific Locations.
§ 8119-1.8.6. Parking Standards.
§ 8119-1.8.7. Open Storage Standards.