§ 8119-1.4.2. Requirements for all Building Types.  

Latest version.
  • See Sec. 8119-1.4.3 through Sec. 8119-1.4.11 for detailed Building Type standards.


    Building Size, Massing and Materials. All Principal and Secondary uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building, unless the use is specifically identified as an outdoor use or is one (1) which must be located outdoors in order to function.


    Example of a commercial building that breaks a long façade into multiple vertical segments.


    Corner Lots: When a building is located on a corner lot, the Primary and Side Street façades shall utilize the same materials and finishes.


    Street-Facing Façades: In order to ensure that building size and massing is consistent with the small-town character of Old Town Saticoy:


    The length of façade shall be limited to the standards in Tables 1.4.3. through 1.4.11.


    If the façade length exceeds one hundred (100) feet, the façade shall be visually broken up into multiple vertical segments. (Also see Sec. 8119-1.4.2(a)(3), Building Façades.)


    Example of a building that breaks up the Primary and Side Street façades into different vertical components by projecting or recessing external wall surfaces and by adding porches, balconies, etc.


    Building Façades: Façades shall be divided into vertical components that are twenty-five (25) feet or less in width. Each component can be created by projecting or recessing wall surfaces, by changing the roofline or adding a porch, or by adding piers or pilaster s to provide vertical breaks in the building elevation.


    Multi-family Buildings: Multi-family buildings (i.e., the residential portions of Mixed-use Buildings, Courtyard Buildings, or Small Apartment Buildings) may be composed of stacked flats , townhouse units, lofts or a combination of these dwelling unit types.


    Frontage Standards.


    Frontage Type: Street-facing building façades shall be composed of allowed frontage types per Sec. 8119-1.5 (Frontage Type Standards).


    Uses facing the Street: Along Primary Streets , where retail or office uses are allowed or required, retail or office space rather than service rooms shall be oriented toward the Primary Street.


    Uses facing a Park: Buildings that are adjacent to and face a park (such as Plaza or Green) shall include building entry, windows, doors, and frontage types that provide a high level of visibility and access between the building and the park. For guidelines related to parks, see Subsection C.7 in Chapter 6 of the Area Plan.


    Window Locations:


    All buildings shall provide street-facing and, where present, alley -facing windows.


    Alley -facing windows shall only be provided for habitable accessory structures (not garages).


    The Primary Street frontage shall have minimum fifty (50) percent window/glazing areas, and the Side Street Frontage shall have a minimum of twenty-five (25) percent.

    Example of a building that incorporates the same materials and finishes on both its primary street and side street façades. Its front porch also faces both streets.
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    Building Lighting. Lighting shall comply with the following requirements:


    Flood lamps shall be shielded so that light sources are not visible from a public right-of-way.


    Spotlights: Lighting (uplighting, downlighting) shall be aimed solely at the object to be illuminated, such as architectural features or components of a building, and outdoor artwork or signs.


    Lighting fixtures shall not obscure important architectural features of the building.


    Lighting fixtures shall minimize off-site light and glare that would be visible from the Santa Clara River.


    Services and Utilities Placement. The standards in this section apply to the following: (i) Service areas (for trash enclosures), (ii) Mechanical and electrical equipment (HVAC) and (iii) Public utility equipment (back flow preventers, transformer boxes, gas and electric meters, etc.) located on private lots. These standards apply to both roof- or ground-mounted services and utilities.


    Public Views: To the extent feasible, service/utility areas and equipment shall be screened from public view or located so as not to be visible from Primary or Side Street s. Utilities unavoidably located in a front yard shall be located away from pedestrian and vehicular routes and screened from public view (with landscaping, by using building offsets or enclosures).


    Lots with Alleys: Locate service areas adjacent to the alley , and place utilities and equipment adjacent to the alley , subject to the requirements and approval of the associated utility company.


    Lots without Alleys: When an alley is not present, utility access and equipment shall be located in a side or rear-yard and screened from public view.


    Noise or Odor-Generating Equipment/Containers: To the extent feasible, garbage bins, generators, and other such equipment shall be located away from adjacent properties. Such facilities shall be fully enclosed by materials that minimize noise or odor impacts. Air intake and exhaust systems, or other mechanical equipment that generates noise, smoke or odors, should not be located on or within ten (10) feet of the Primary Street property line or within any on-site common open spaces. Where required, trash enclosures shall be provided in accordance with Integrated Waste Management Division (IWMD) guidance.

    Example of a residential building that uses an overhanging room to break up its front façade.
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    Open Space and Landscape.


    Primary and Side Street Setbacks: In the Town Center (TC) zone, Primary and Side Street setbacks require landscaping, which may include hardscape or special/permeable paving material consistent with applicable stormwater regulations (see Subsection C.6. in Chapter 6 of the Area Plan for examples of special/permeable paving). These setbacks may also utilize a combination of hardscape and landscape (such as planters ). In the RES, R/MU and IND zones, Primary and Side Street setbacks shall be landscaped.


    Front Yards: The size of front yards shall be determined by the setbacks and frontage type requirements of the applicable zone (see Sec. 8119-1.3. Zoning Standards).


    Landscaping: For Primary and Side Street s, the "parkway" portion of the public right-of-way (see Chapter 5 of the Saticoy Area Plan), as well as setback areas along those streets, shall be landscaped and maintained by the landowner. Landscaping shall be provided from the edge of sidewalk or back of curb to the building façade or garden wall. Paved areas shall be limited to walks and driveways, where present.


    Commercial Open Space: For developments in the TC zone, the total area devoted to landscaping shall be no less than ten (10) percent of the overall permit area. Except for Primary and Side Street setbacks, landscape requirements may be modified or waived by the Planning Director for lots of less than five thousand (5,000) square feet in area. All landscaping plans including, where required, street tree plantings in parkway areas or in specified sidewalk tree wells, shall be submitted with the project application.


    Landscaping for Large-Scale Development or Redevelopment: See Sec. 8119-1.8.5(f).

    A back flow preventer that abuts the building and is screened from the view of the sidewalk and street by shrubs.
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(Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)