§ 8119-1.8.1. Building Placement Standards.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Street-facing façades shall be built parallel to the right-of-way.


    For corner lots within the Old Town Saticoy Area:


    The Primary Street side of the lot is defined as the short side of the lot; and


    The Side Street side of the lot is defined as the long side of the lot.


    All setbacks shall be measured from the primary or accessory structure, pursuant to Sec. 8106-4.


    Architectural features such as eaves, balconies, bay windows and other similar features constitute exceptions that, if allowed, may encroach into setbacks. For allowable encroachments into setbacks, see Tables 1.3.1(e), 1.3.2(e), 1.3.3(e) and 1.3.4(e).


    See exceptions for building placement standards in Sec. 8119-1.8.5. Standards for Specific Locations.


    For standards related to sight triangles and sight distance, apply Sec. 8106-8.4 and 8106-8.5. Sight triangles and sight distances define setbacks for structures and landscaping to ensure that drivers can see approaching traffic.


    A distance of five (5) feet between adjoining buildings must be maintained for fire access.

(Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)