§ 8103-1.2. Average minimum lot area.  

Latest version.
  • The suffix "Av" may be added to any of the base zone designations. (example: R-A-10Ac Av). When added to a given zone designated by a specified suffix, the additional "Av" suffix converts the minimum lot area zone suffix indicator to an average area designation. When land is subdivided which has the "Av" suffix, lots may be created which are no smaller in area than eighty (80) percent of the applicable minimum area zone designated by the suffix number, provided the collective average area of the lots created is not smaller than that required by the applicable lot area zone suffix designator (example: R-A-10Ac Av × 80 percent = 8Ac as the smallest lot that can be created). In computing the collective average area of newly created lots, only those lots which are no larger than 1.9 times the minimum area zone designated by the suffix number may be counted (example: R-A-10Ac Av × 1.9 = 19Ac as the area of the largest lots that can be counted). Legal lots in an "Av" suffix designated zone, not smaller than eighty (80) percent of the applicable designated zone suffix number, are deemed to be conforming as to lot area.

(Am. Ord. 3749—10/29/85; Am. Ord. 3797—12/09/86; Am. Ord. 4018—12/15/92; Am. Ord. 4054—2/1/94; Am. Ord. 4144—7/22/97; Am. Ord. 4390—9/9/08; Ord. No. 4436, § 2, 6-28-2011)