§ 8104-7.4. Community Business District (CBD) overlay zone.  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of this zone are to:


    Identify community business districts with unique historic character which justify special permit requirements and standards so as to preserve or re-create the historic character of the district;


    Preserve the historic character of buildings and structures within the district;


    Allow deviations of certain development standards, parking standards, landscape standards, and sign standards of the zoning ordinance to permit the alteration or construction of buildings and structures, consistent with the design guidelines adopted under the applicable Area Plan or Specific Plan, so as to preserve or re-create the historic character of the district; and


    Encourage mixed-use development projects as a means to revitalize a community business district, encourage pedestrian circulation, maximize site development potential, create an active environment while promoting a traditional village-style mix of retail, restaurants, offices, civic uses, multi-family housing and other compatible land uses.

(Add. Ord. 4144—7/22/97; Am. Ord. 4393—12/16/08)