Article 5. Uses and Structures by Zone  

§ 8105-0. Purpose.
§ 8105-0.5. Old Town Saticoy Development Code.
§ 8105-1. Use of matrices.
§ 8105-1.1. Key to matrices.
§ 8105-1.2. Italicized notes appearing in this Zoning Ordinance are editorial in nature and are not a part of the Ordinance or its regulatory scheme.
§ 8105-1.3. No use is allowed unless expressly identified in Section 8105-4 and 8105-5 (Matrices) or determined to be equivalent in accordance with Section 8105-2 or Section 8101-4.10. Furthermore, prior to the commencement of any use listed in the matrices, the entitlement identified as required for the use shall be obtained. Each use is subject to all of the provisions of this chapter even if it is exempt from a Zoning Clearance.
§ 8105-1.4. For the purposes of this Article, changing type style indicates where language is indented. Any use listed in matrix form which is indented shall be construed as a subheading of the heading under which it is indented.
§ 8105-1.5. Any use requested as an accessory use which is listed in the matrix at Sections 8105-4 and 8105-5 as a principal use shall be processed in accordance with the indicated requirements of the principal use.
§ 8105-1.6. The abbreviations used in Sections 8105-4 and 8105-5 are to be interpreted as follows:
§ 8105-1.7. The following list of specifically prohibited uses is provided for informational purposes, and is not intended to be comprehensive:
§ 8105-2. Equivalent uses not listed.
§ 8105-2.1. Upon a written determination by the Planning Director that a proposed unlisted use is equivalent in its nature and intensity to a listed use, the proposed use shall be treated in the same manner as the listed use in determining where it is allowed, what permits are required and what standards affect its establishment.
§ 8105-2.2. Determinations that specific unlisted uses are equivalent to listed uses shall be recorded by the Planning Department, and shall be considered for incorporation into the Zoning Ordinance in the next scheduled ordinance amendment.
§ 8105-3. Allowed uses exempt from planning entitlements.
§ 8105-4. Permitted uses in open spaces, agricultural, residential and special purpose zones.
§ 8105-5. Permitted uses in commercial and industrial zones.