Article 6. Lot Area and Coverage, Setbacks, Height and Related Provisions  

§ 8106-0. Purpose.
§ 8106-1. Schedules of specific development standards by zone and exceptions thereto.
§ 8106-1.1. Development standards for uses and structures in O-S, A-E, and R zones.
§ 8106-1.2. Development standards for uses and structures in commercial, industrial and special purpose zones.
§ 8106-1.3. Measurement of building heights.
§ 8106-1.3.1. Building heights on flat grades.
§ 8106-1.3.2. Building heights on sloping grades.
§ 8106-2. Deleted by Ord. 4333—12/6/05
§ 8106-3. Purpose and use of setbacks.
§ 8106-4. Measurement of setbacks.
§ 8106-4.1. Measurement of rear setback from an alley.
§ 8106-4.2. Setbacks from easements.
§ 8106-4.3. Determination of setbacks for flag lots and irregularly shaped lots.
§ 8106-4.4. Determination of setbacks for through lots.
§ 8106-5. Exceptions to required setbacks and heights.
§ 8106-5.1. Accessory structures in certain setback areas.
§ 8106-5.2. Accessory structures in front setbacks on through lots.
§ 8106-5.3. Parking in setbacks.
§ 8106-5.4. Architectural features.
§ 8106-5.5. Heating and cooling equipment and the like.
§ 8106-5.6. Balconies, fire escapes and stairways.
§ 8106-5.7. Chimneys and fireplaces.
§ 8106-5.8. Depressed ramps.
§ 8106-5.9. Uncovered, unenclosed landings and porches.
§ 8106-5.10. Decks.
§ 8106-5.11. Front setback with 'swing' driveways.
§ 8106-5.12. Temporary housing during construction.
§ 8106-5.13. Swimming pools and spas.
§ 8106-5.14. Miscellaneous exceptions.
§ 8106-5.15. Building additions.
§ 8106-5.16. Mailboxes.
§ 8106-6. Miscellaneous setback regulations.
§ 8106-6.1. Distance between structures on the same lot.
§ 8106-6.2. Garages and carports.
§ 8106-6.3. Setbacks from existing oil/gas well sites.
§ 8106-6.4. Buildings for the growing of crops.
§ 8106-7. Exceptions to height limits.
§ 8106-7.1. Non-commercial antennas, ground-mounted.
§ 8106-7.2. Roof structures.
§ 8106-7.3. Airport height limits.
§ 8106-7.4. Accessory structures.
§ 8106-7.5. Wireless communication facilities.
§ 8106-8. Miscellaneous regulations.
§ 8106-8.1. Fences, walls and hedges.
§ 8106-8.1.1. No fences over three feet high may be placed in a required sight triangle, in a required setback adjacent to a street, or in a ten-foot by ten-foot right triangle on each side of a driveway on a side property line.
§ 8106-8.1.2. Except as otherwise provided herein, fences over six feet in height require a Zoning Clearance and will require a Building Permit. (See also Sec. 8105-3)
§ 8106-8.1.3. No barbed wire, razor-edge, electric or similar type of fencing is permitted in Urban Residential Zones or Commercial Zones (See Art. 4), or on properties in Industrial Zones which abut or are across the street from Urban Residential Zoned properties, if such fencing would be visible from the Urban Residential Zoned property or properties.
§ 8106-8.1.4. If there is a difference in grade levels on the two sides of a fence, the height shall be measured from the higher grade, provided that the distance from the lower grade to the top of the fence shall not exceed ten feet, and further provided that in a required setback adjacent to a street, fence height shall be measured from adjacent grade of the street side of the fence. "Grade" shall be the lowest level parallel to and within five (5) feet of the fence in question.
§ 8106-8.1.5. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to a fence necessary as required by any law or regulation of the State of California or any agency thereof.
§ 8106-8.1.6. The provisions of Section 8106-8.1 et seq. shall not apply to Protected Trees as defined in Article 7.
§ 8106-8.2. Reserved.
§ 8106-8.3. Connection of structures.
§ 8106-8.4. Sight triangle.
§ 8106-8.5. Sight distance.
§ 8106-8.6. Light fixtures.
§ 8106-8.7. Recycling areas.