§ 8106-4.3. Determination of setbacks for flag lots and irregularly shaped lots.  

Latest version.
  • In the case of "flag lots" and "irregularly shaped lots", the setbacks shall be measured from the applicable front (F), rear (R) and side (S) of the lot as designated in the following diagrams.


    In cases involving flag lots or irregularly shaped lots of a type not represented in any of the following diagrams, the Planning Director shall determine the minimum setbacks utilizing good planning practices.


    Any portion of a flag lot or irregularly shaped lot that is adjacent to a street is a "required setback adjacent to a street" for purposes of fence regulations.

    (Am. Ord. 3810—5/5/87; Am. Ord. 4216—10/24/00)

    Illustration of setbacks for Flag Lots.


    If a=b, applicant designates C or D as front.

    Illustration of setbacks for Irregularly Shaped Lots.

    Rear lot lines for triangular and irregularly shaped lots - A
    line ten (10) feet long within the lot, opposite and most distant
    from the front lot line, which is parallel to the front lot line
    or parallel to the chord of a curved front lot line, where such
    chord is drawn perpendicular to the mean direction of lot

(Am. Ord. 4216—10/24/00)