§ 8107-1.6.5. The following are not considered open storage, and are therefore exempt from the above open storage regulations:  

Latest version.
  • (Am. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)


    Materials or equipment kept on any lot for use in construction of any building or room addition on said lot for which a Zoning Clearance and necessary building permits are obtained and in force, provided that such storage is neat and orderly, and does not exceed an area equal to the gross floor area of the building or addition under construction. Stored materials shall be installed within 180 days of their placement on the lot; however, the Planning Director may grant a time extension for good cause, based on a written request from the applicant.


    Items used periodically or continuously on the property by the resident(s) thereof, such as outdoor furniture, trash or recycling cans or barrels, equipment for maintenance of the property and the uses thereon, outdoor cooking equipment, and recreational equipment, accessory to the principal use.

    (Am. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)


    Operative vehicles and the items placed on them, provided that such vehicles are accessory to the principal use and are owned by the resident(s) of the property on which they are parked.

    (Am. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)


    One cord (128 cubic feet) of firewood, if stored in a neat and orderly manner in one location on the lot. Two cords of wood may be kept on properties within the National Forest boundaries.

(Am. Ord. 3810—5/5/87; Am. Ord. 4092—6/27/95; Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)