§ 8107-14.2. Temporary housing during construction.  

Latest version.
  • A Zoning Clearance authorizing the use of a habitable recreational vehicle (RV), or an existing dwelling, as temporary housing during construction or major remodeling of a principal dwelling may be issued, subject to the following criteria and requirements:


    One (1) habitable RV may be used for temporary housing by the owner of the subject legal lot, or by a caretaker/watchperson, for up to twelve (12) months during construction of a principal dwelling, or during major remodeling of a principal dwelling which precludes its use as a dwelling, provided that a building permit is in full force and effect authorizing said construction or major remodeling of the principal dwelling on the same lot or on an adjacent lot under common ownership. The continued use of the RV for up to two (2) additional 12-month periods is authorized provided that substantial progress toward completion of the construction or major remodeling of the principal dwelling is being made.


    The term "RV" as used in this Section 8107-14.2 means a motor home, travel trailer, truck camper, or camping trailer that is self-contained and habitable, and that is either self-propelled, truck-mounted, or permanently towable on California roadways without a permit under the Vehicle Code.


    To be deemed "habitable" as the term is used in this Section 8107-14.2, an RV must meet all of the following criteria:


    The RV must contain sleeping, cooking, bathing and sanitary facilities;


    The RV must be connected to a permanent source of potable water;


    Wastewater from the RV must be disposed of by either an Environmental Health Division-approved onsite wastewater disposal system or a sewer line connection approved by the Building and Safety Division; and


    The RV must be connected to an approved electrical source. Acceptable electrical connections include the use of an existing permitted electrical source on the lot or a temporary power pole. Generators are not considered an approved electrical source.


    Prior to occupancy of the RV, all electrical and plumbing connections to the RV must be approved and inspected by the Building and Safety Division.


    Prior to the issuance of a certificate for occupancy by the Building and Safety Division for the principal dwelling under construction or major remodeling or when the Zoning Clearance authorizing use of the RV for temporary housing has expired, whichever occurs first, any such RV shall: (1) cease being used for temporary housing; (2) be disconnected from the utilities (e.g., water supply, electrical, and sewage disposal system); and (3) either be removed from the lot or properly stored on the lot in conformance with this Chapter.


    Where a property owner has obtained a building permit issued by the Building and Safety Division to construct a replacement principal dwelling, an existing permitted dwelling on the same lot may be used for temporary housing during the construction of the replacement dwelling, provided that prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the Building and Safety Division for the replacement dwelling either: (1) the existing dwelling will be removed or (2) a Zoning Clearance is obtained by the owner of the lot to authorize the conversion of the existing dwelling to another use in conformance with the requirements of this Chapter (e.g., farmworker dwelling unit, accessory dwelling unit, non-habitable structure). Building permits for the demolition of existing dwellings and improvements necessary to convert an existing dwelling to another use must be finalized by the Building and Safety Division prior to occupancy of the replacement dwelling.

(Add Ord. 4092—6/27/95; Am. Ord. 4216—10/24/00; Ord. No. 4532, § 4, 10-30-2018)