§ 8107-2.4.6. Keeping of additional pet animals.  

Latest version.
  • Additional pet animals beyond those permitted pursuant to Sec. 8107-2.4.3 may be kept in accordance with the following standards:


    Pet animals in addition to those permitted as pets pursuant to Sec. 8107-2.4.3 may only be kept on lots meeting the 'Minimum Lot Area Required' standard set forth on Table 3 (Sec. 8107-2.5.2).


    The total number of additional pet animals that may be kept shall be no more than two times the 'Maximum No. Allowed' identified in Table 1 for a given animal. For example, 4 dogs are allowed as pets. Up to 8 additional dogs would be allowed pursuant to this section.

    (Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)

    (Rep./Reen. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)


    The first increment of additional pet animals may only be allowed when the lot in question meets the 'Minimum Lot Area Required' standard for the zone in question as noted on Table 3. The second increment of pet animals may only be allowed when the size of the lot in question is three times its 'Minimum Lot Area Required'. For example, the 'Minimum Lot Area Required' in the R-E zone is 10,000 sq. ft.. An individual would be allowed 4 dogs as pets and an additional 4 dogs on a lot of 10,000 sq. ft. or more. An additional 4 dogs would be allowed on a lot of 30,000 sq. ft. or more.


    All animals required to be licensed by other agencies shall be licensed. All dogs and cats authorized by this section shall be licensed and spayed or neutered pursuant to Ventura County Animal Regulation Department.


    A Zoning Clearance shall be obtained by the owner of the animals prior to their being allowed on the property.


    The 'Animal Unit Factor' for a given animal shall be counted against the total number of allowed animal units permitted for the lot in question pursuant to Table 3. For example, a lot of 20,000 sq. ft. to 24,999 sq. ft. zoned R-O is allowed 3 animals units for Animal Husbandry/Animal Keeping pursuant to Table 3. If a person wished to keep 4 dogs as pets they do not count against this allotment. Pursuant to Sec. 8107-2.4.6, 4 additional pet dogs (each with a .25 animal unit factor) could be allowed but they would count as 1 animal unit against the total allotment of 3 Animal Husbandry/Keeping units.

    (Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)

(Rep./Reen. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)