§ 8107-2.5.3. Calculating the allowed number of animal husbandry/keeping units.  

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  • The first animal unit is only allowed if the lot in question meets the minimum lot area set forth in Table 3. Additional units may be added based on the size of the lot and the formulas set forth in Table 3. Animal unit and lot size calculations shall be rounded to the nearest one-hundredth. For example, if the one-thousandth value is 5 (.125) or greater, round up the one-hundredth value by 1 (.125 becomes .13). Fractions of animal units may be applied towards the total number of allowed animals on a lot, but they may not be rounded up to whole numbers. This is illustrated in the following two examples.

    Example 1

    A 3.2 acre lot, zoned R-A, contains 139,392 sq. ft. (3.2 ac. × 43,560 sq. ft./ac.). The allowed number of animal units is calculated by dividing the sq. ft. of the lot by the animal accrual rate (139,392 sq. ft. ÷ 1 unit/10,000 sq. ft. = 13.9392 units) and rounding to the nearest one-hundredth. Therefore, 13.94 animal units are allowed on the lot. These units could allow for example 7 horses and 6 cows (13 units), 1 pig (0.5 unit), and 2 sheep (0.40 unit). Since there are no animal units in Table 2 equaling .04 unit, pursuant to Sec. 8107-2.4.5, pet animals from Table 1 could be added since the subject lot exceeds the minimum lot size. Therefore, 1 medium bird (0.03 unit) and 1 mouse (0.01 unit) could be added, totaling 13.94 units.

    Example 2

    A 1.29 acre lot, zoned R-E, contains 56,192 sq. ft. (1.29 ac × 43,560 sq. ft./ac.). The allowed number of animal units is calculated by subtracting 25,000 sq. ft. from the lot area, (31,192 sq. ft.), then dividing by the animal unit accrual rate (31,192 sq. ft. ÷ 1/25,000 sq. ft. = 1.23768 units) and then adding 3 units for a total of 4.24768 units. Rounding to the nearest one-hundredth, there would be 4.25 animal units allowed on the lot. These units could allow for example, 2 horses (2.0 units), 2 ostriches (1.0 unit), 1 cow (1.0 unit), and 1 sheep (0.20 unit) totaling 4.20 units. The remaining 0.05 unit is less than any animal listed in Table 2, so pet animals from Table 1 could be added since the lot exceeds the minimum required lot size. Therefore, the remaining 0.05 animal unit could be allowed for 1 medium bird (0.03 unit) and 1 rat (0.02 unit).

(Rep./Reen. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)