§ 8107-29.6. Construction and operating standards.  

Latest version.
  • All facilities and structures shall be constructed and operated as follows:


    All such facilities shall be operated in compliance with the most current standards established by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) or its affiliates, successor organization or an alternative sanctioning body approved by the Planning Director.


    All facilities shall be sited and operated so as to be in conformance with minimum noise standards, as set forth in the Ventura County General Plan, and as monitored from all property lines.


    All mechanical or repair activity of motocross/off-highway vehicles shall be limited to vehicles engaged in same-day events or activities. No other such mechanical and/or repair activity shall be allowed on the site.


    On-site lighting shall be for security purposes only. Such lighting shall be shielded to eliminate or minimize glare to off-site areas.


    The maximum number of active participants (i.e. riders, crew members, employees) using a permitted facility shall not exceed 30 persons per acre of the total up to 30 acres. Non-participants (i.e. spectators) shall be limited to a maximum of 50 persons per acre of total net site area up to 30 acres, and such persons shall be allowed on-site during organized events only.


    The use of permitted facilities for practice or other non-organized, non-competitive activities shall be limited to daylight hours between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. seven (7) days a week. Use of such facilities for organized events shall be limited to daylight hours between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., or fifteen minutes after official sunset for that day's event, whichever is later, on Saturdays and Sundays only. Deviation from this standard pertaining to days and hours of operation shall be subject to prior approval by the Planning Director. With a Permit Adjustment, organized events may also be held on Friday evenings and holidays that fall on Fridays and Mondays. Such deviations from the normal schedule are allowed once per three-month quarter.

    For purposes of this subsection "official sunset" shall be defined as that which is published in a local newspaper of general circulation.


    Facilities shall be maintained in a neat, safe, and orderly manner and in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations and standards.


    All facilities located in or on non-paved areas shall be watered or otherwise treated as often as necessary to prevent fugitive dust impacts on- and off-site. At a minimum, such watering shall be done prior to each day's events or operations. Watering shall be done more frequently during Santa Ana and high wind periods.

(Add Ord. 4118—7/2/95; Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)