§ 8107-36.2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of Sec. 4107-37 et seq., the following definitions shall apply:

    Contamination—Unwanted materials in a waste stream or feedstock. These may be residuals that must be disposed of in a waste disposal facility or any item that is not within the desired category of separated discards. Contamination is calculated as a percentage by weight.

    Feedstock—Input material to a manufacturing or processing operation. With regard to organic processing operations, feedstock means decomposable organic material used for the manufacture of compost, mulch, worm castings, and other soil amendments.

    Separated—Separated refers to discarded materials that have been segregated by material type (including commingled recyclables) prior to receipt by a resource recovery (recycling, reuse, etc.) facility or operation.

    Windrow—A long, relatively narrow pile, such as of composting material.

(Add Ord. 4215—10/24/00)