§ 8107-36.3.2. Recyclables collection centers.  

Latest version.
  • Recyclables collection centers shall comply with the standards outlined in Sec. 8107-36.3.1, as well as the following standards:


    In residentially zoned areas, such centers shall only be allowed as accessory uses when they are accessory to government or similar private facilities frequented by the general public, such as schools, parks, and assembly uses.


    No Zoning Clearance or modification of any original entitlement permit shall be required when such centers are established in conjunction with an approved principal use and are on lots larger than one acre.


    Each collection container shall be clearly marked to identify the type of materials that may be deposited and shall be of sufficient capacity to accommodate both deposited material quantity and collection frequency.


    Collection containers shall be constructed of sturdy materials and maintained in good condition.


    Containers for the 24-hour donation of materials shall be at least 40 feet from any property occupied for residential use unless there is a recognized service road and acoustical shielding between the containers and the residential use.


    The collection center shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation.


    For operations located within 500 feet of property occupied for residential use, power-driven equipment (excluding reverse vending machines) shall not be operated between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.


    Use of parking spaces by accessory recyclables collection centers (established in conjunction with an approved principal use) and attendant(s) may not reduce available parking spaces below the minimum required in the land use permit for the principal use, unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the existing parking capacity is not fully utilized, pursuant to Section 8108-4.8.1.


    Individual refuse bins sited for the temporary collection of seasonal recyclables, such as Christmas trees and telephone books, shall be allowed without a permit when the above standards [Sec. 8107-36.3.2(a—h)] are met.

    (Add Ord. 4214—10/24/00)

(Ord. No. 4407, § 5, 10-20-2009; Ord. No. 4411, § 4, 3-2-2010)