§ 8107-36.3.9. Waste processing facilities and waste transfer stations.  

Latest version.
  • Waste processing facilities and waste transfer stations shall comply with the standards outlined in Sec. 8107-36.3.1 as well as the following standards:


    Prior to issuing a Conditional Use Permit or other discretionary entitlement, the applicable decision-making authority (the Planning Director, Planning Commission, and/or Board of Supervisors) shall make a finding that the proposed project, as conditioned, is compatible with adjacent agriculture, including but not limited to such factors as water runoff, siltation, erosion, dust, introduction of pests and diseases, and the potential for trespassing, pilferage, or vandalism, as well as conflicts between agricultural and non-agricultural uses including but not limited to vehicular traffic and the application of agricultural chemicals to agricultural property.


    Such facilities shall be set back a minimum of 300 feet from any agricultural production. If the applicant can demonstrate that potential impacts to the agricultural production have been adequately mitigated by design or terrain, the Planning Director, in consultation with the Agricultural Commissioner, may reduce or waive the setback.


    No such facilities will be sited within a 100-year flood plain.


    All on-site recyclable materials and refuse shall be stored in containers, within a building, or in an area screened from view from surrounding properties and public streets.

(Add Ord. 4214—10/24/00)