§ 8107-36.4.1. General standards.  

Latest version.
  • The following standards shall apply to all organics processing operations, and vermiculture operations with over 5,000 square feet of open beds:


    No organics processing operations, other than those accessory to agricultural activities and on-site composting operations, shall be located in the A-E (Agricultural Exclusive) zone on land designated as "Prime", "Statewide Importance", "Unique" or "Local Importance" on the California Department of Conservation's Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, Important Farmlands Maps, or on land subject to a Land Conservation Act (LCA) contract, unless the Planning Director, in consultation with the Agricultural Commissioner, determines that the land is developed or otherwise unsuitable for agricultural activities.


    Prior to issuing a Conditional Use Permit or other discretionary entitlement for an organics processing operation, other than those accessory to agricultural activities and on-site composting operations, in the Open Space (O-S) zone, the applicable decision-making authority (the Planning Director, Planning Commission, and/or Board of Supervisors) shall make a finding that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on agricultural soils as defined in the appropriate section of the Ventura County Initial Study Assessment Guidelines.


    Prior to issuing a Conditional Use Permit or other discretionary entitlement for an organics processing operation, other than those accessory to agricultural activities and on-site composting operations, the applicable decision-making authority (the Planning Director, Planning Commission, and/or Board of Supervisors) shall make a finding that the proposed project, as conditioned, is compatible with adjacent agriculture, including but not limited to such factors as water runoff, siltation, erosion, dust, introduction of pests and diseases, and the potential for trespassing, pilferage, or vandalism, as well as conflicts between agricultural and non-agricultural uses including but not limited to vehicular traffic and the application of agricultural chemicals to agricultural property.


    All organics operations must provide written proof from the Ventura County Water Resources Division that the project is either not sited over the Oxnard Forebay or the North Las Posas Outcrop or that the project has been adequately designed to prevent infiltration into these sensitive areas of groundwater recharge.


    Such facilities shall be set back a minimum of 300 feet from any agricultural production. If the applicant can demonstrate that potential impacts to the agricultural production have been adequately mitigated by design or terrain, the Planning Director, in consultation with the Agricultural Commissioner, may reduce or waive the setback.


    Drainage—Drainage must be controlled so as to prevent any leachate runoff from the site; divert surface water drainage away from all piles of material; and prevent the creation of puddles and standing water in any area where organic materials are stored.


    Dust - Dust must be controlled through watering, use of enclosures and screens, etc.


    Feedstock Inspection—All incoming materials shall be inspected for contaminants, such as plastic, and all contaminants shall be removed to the greatest extent feasible before processing.


    Fire Prevention/Suppression.


    The maximum pile height of all feedstock and actively decomposing compost is 12 feet, except as allowed by a discretionary permit.


    There shall be a method or system to daily monitor the temperature of all piles or windrows over 6 feet tall, and all temperatures must be kept below 160° F, except as allowed by discretionary permit


    All operations must isolate potential heat sources or flammables from piles and windrows.


    General Safety—All reasonable effort shall be made to ensure that all end products, excluding discarded wastes, are innocuous and free of particles that could be harmful to human health and safety, or to agricultural production where applicable.


    Litter and Waste—All reasonable effort shall be made to prevent litter, compost, and chipped uncomposted material from migrating off-site. The operator is responsible for keeping the site reasonably free of litter and for the daily collection of all litter that leaves the site.


    Materials Accepted—Only separated organic (originally derived from living organisms) materials shall be accepted at organics processing operations. Asbestos-containing waste material, infectious wastes, or hazardous wastes shall not knowingly be accepted.


    Noise—Grinders and other power-driven equipment shall not be operated between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. within 500 feet of property occupied for residential use or other place of overnight habitation, such as hotels or campgrounds. Noise levels near such uses shall not exceed Leq1H of 55 dB (A) or ambient noise levels plus 3 dB (A), whichever is greater, during any hour from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.


    Odors—All operations must implement management practices—such as controlling temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels in piles and windrows—to prevent offensive and noxious odors from leaving the site.


    Pests—All operations must implement management practices to prevent and control vectors, such as flies, rodents and scavenging birds.


    Throughput—All products (e.g., compost or mulch) must be sold, given away, or beneficially used within 24 months of the facility's acceptance of the raw material. Feedstock materials shall not be accepted at any time when the storage capacity of the site would be exceeded by such delivery.


    Additional Standards—The standards outlined in the following Sec. 8107-36.4 et seq. that apply to specific uses, shall also be met.

(Add Ord. 4214—10/24/00)