§ 8107-36.4.3. Commercial organics processing operations, small- and medium-scale.  

Latest version.
  • Medium- and small-scale commercial organics processing operations shall comply with the standards outlined in Section 8107-36.4.1, as well as the following standards:


    The minimum parcel size for outdoor operations is three acres in residential zones, and 1.5 acres in other zones.


    Dust producing activities shall cease during high wind events. High wind events are defined as wind of such velocity as to cause fugitive dust from within the site to blow off-site. At any point in time, if it is observed that fugitive dust is blowing off-site, additional dust prevention measures shall be initiated. If these measures are insufficient to prevent fugitive dust (i. e. during periods of extreme heat or winds), dust generating activities shall be immediately curtailed until the conditions abate.


    The surface slope under outdoor processing operations shall be at least one percent and no more than 15 percent.


    The following standards apply to outdoor piles and windrows over 100 cubic yards to facilitate fire control:

    The operator shall at all times maintain an effective firebreak by removing and clearing away flammable vegetation and combustible growth from areas within 100 feet of all windrows and piles (excludes single specimens of trees, ornamental shrubbery or similar plants used as ground covers, provided they do not form a means of rapidly transmitting fire from the native growth to the piles or windrows).

    A fire lane of 20 feet shall be provided along the perimeter of the area where piles and windrows are located. Windrows shall not exceed 150 feet in length unless separated by a 20-foot fire access road. Twenty feet must be maintained between all piles and windrows, or 12 feet must be maintained between all piles and windrows alternating with a 20-foot fire access road positioned every 150 feet.


    Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for the operation, proof from the County Fire Protection District of an approved Fire Hazard Management Plan shall have been provided to the Planning Division.


    Space shall be provided on-site to accommodate the anticipated peak deliveries, for the circulation of vehicles and the depositing of organic materials.


    Landscaping, walls, fences, or other screening shall be incorporated to visually screen outdoor operations from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way.


    All operations must deposit with the Planning Division a compliance review fee, and shall maintain such deposit with the Planning Division during the term of the land use, and shall make the site available for inspection twice a year. The inspection frequency may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Planning Director, based on such factors as performance, scale of operation or neighboring uses.


    Upon completion of operations, the facility grounds, sedimentation ponds, and drainage areas shall be cleaned of all compost materials, construction scraps, and other materials related to the operations. If in the O-S zone, the site shall be restored as nearly as possible to its natural or original state prior to the organics processing activity.


    Any structures added to a site are subject to Planning Division regulations such as setback and height standards, and permit modification requirements.


    Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for those operations which will use gasoline-powered engines of 50 horsepower or greater, proof of an operation's compliance with pertinent APCD requirements shall have been provided to the Planning Division.


    All outdoor processing areas shall meet the setback standards listed below. However, if the applicant can demonstrate, supported by substantial evidence in the record, that potential impacts to water resources and surrounding properties, uses or roads have been adequately mitigated by design or terrain, the Planning Director may waive all or appropriate portions of this requirement.

    300 feet from any off-site residence or public facility;

    100 feet from an adjoining property line;

    100 feet from any dedicated public street or highway;

    100 feet from any surface water, including springs, seeps, wetlands, and intermittent streams; and/or

    200 feet from wells or other water supplies.

(Add Ord. 4214—10/24/00)