§ 8107-41.3. Enforcement of farm worker employment criteria.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of Sections 8107-41.1 and 8107-41.2 shall be enforced through conditions of approval of the planned development permit and any other entitlements required for a farm worker housing complex, and through any necessary contractual agreements and/or deed restrictions implementing such conditions of approval. Violation of Sections 8107-41.1 or 8107-41.2 shall be administered in accordance with Article 14 of the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance. Any administrative civil penalties collected pursuant to Section 8114-3.7 and as a result of violation of Section 8107-26 et seq. shall be deposited in a County's farm worker housing fund account for exclusive use by the County or its designee for rehabilitation and/or construction of farm worker housing.

(Add Ord. 4281—5/6/03)