§ 8107-44.5. Construction and operational standards.  

Latest version.
  • The construction and operation of the emergency shelter must comply with the following standards.


    In the event that paleontological, archaeological, or cultural resources are found during grading or construction, such activities shall halt in the area of the find and the project developer shall notify the Planning Division. The project developer shall hire a qualified consultant approved by the Planning Division who shall prepare a work plan to address the disposition of the paleontological, archaeological, and/or cultural resource encountered. The work plan must comply with the following minimum standards for resource disposition as determined by the Planning Director or designee:


    The work plan shall include a detailed description of the nature, extent, condition and significance of the sensitive resource.


    The work plan shall specify the available options for resource disposition such as avoidance, recovery and curation, photo-documentation, incorporation of the resource into project design, and other methods.


    The work plan shall include a recommendation of a course of action that is most protective of the resource while allowing the project objectives to be fulfilled.

    Construction can only proceed in conformity with the approved work plan.


    Development shall comply with the requirements of the Ventura County Construction Noise Threshold Criteria and Control Plan.


    Development shall comply with the Ventura County "Paveout Policy", current County Road Standards and the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Ordinance.


    Outdoor activities, which include recreation and eating, are allowed but must be screened by a six-foot-high landscape screen or solid wall if the outdoor areas are visible from a public street. For emergency shelters that are adjacent to residential zones, outdoor activities that generate noise that could be disruptive to neighbors shall only be conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.


    Emergency shelter resident intake and release times must not coincide with start and release times of any school within one-half mile of the shelter with the exception of residents who are students or parents/guardians accompanying students to school.


    For emergency shelters that include kitchen facilities, such facilities must be designed and operated in compliance with the California Retail Food Code.


    Emergency shelters must provide a storage area for refuse and recyclables that complies with the County's "Space Allocation Guidelines for Refuse and Recyclables Collection and Loading Areas."


    In no case shall more than sixty (60) residents occupy the shelter at any one time.


    The emergency shelter operator must comply with the provisions of the management plan at all times.