§ 8107-45.7. Maintenance and monitoring.  

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  • a.

    Periodic Inspection: The County reserves the right to undertake periodic inspection of a permitted wireless communication facility in accordance with Section 8111-8.


    Maintenance of Facility: The permittee shall routinely inspect each wireless communication facility, as outlined in the approved maintenance and monitoring plan, to ensure compliance with the standards set forth in Section 8107-45.4 and the permit conditions of approval. The permittee shall maintain the facility in a manner comparable to its condition at the time of installation. If routine maintenance or repair is not sufficient to return the facility to its physical condition at the time of installation, the permittee shall obtain all required permits and replace the facility to continue the permitted operation.


    Graffiti: The permittee shall remove graffiti from a facility within ten (10) working days from the time of notification by the Planning Division.


    Landscape and Screening: All trees, foliage, or other landscaping elements approved as part of a wireless communication facility shall be maintained in good condition during the life of the permit, and the permittee shall be responsible for replacing any damaged, dead, or decayed landscape vegetation. The permittee shall maintain the landscaping in conformance with the approved landscape plan.


    Hours of Maintenance: Except for emergency repairs, backup generator testing and maintenance activities that are audible to an off-site, noise-sensitive receptor shall only occur on weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.


    Transfer of Ownership:


    In the event that the permittee sells or transfers its interest in a wireless communication facility, the succeeding operator shall become the new permittee responsible for ensuring compliance with the permit for the wireless communication facility, including all conditions of approval, and all other relevant federal, state and local laws and regulations.


    The permittee (or succeeding permittee) shall file, as an initial notice with the Planning Director, the new permittee's contact information such as the name, address, telephone/FAX number(s), and email address.


    The permittee shall provide the Planning Director with a final notice within thirty (30) days after the transfer of ownership and/or operational control has occurred. The final notice of transfer must include the effective date and time of the transfer and a letter signed by the new permittee agreeing to comply with all conditions of the County permit.

(Ord. No. 4470, § 4, 3-24-2015)