§ 8107-5.5.5. The following guidelines shall apply to the installation and use of oil and gas pipelines:  

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  • a.

    Pipelines should be used to transport petroleum products off-site to promote traffic safety and air quality.


    The use of a pipeline for transporting crude oil may be a condition of approval for expansion of existing processing facilities or construction of new processing facilities.


    New pipeline corridors should be consolidated with existing pipeline or electrical transmission corridors where feasible, unless there are overriding technical constraints or significant social, aesthetic, environmental or economic reasons not to do so.


    When feasible, pipelines shall be routed to avoid important resource areas, such as recreation, sensitive habitat, geological hazard and archaeological areas. Unavoidable routing through such areas shall be done in a manner that minimizes the impacts of potential spills by considering spill volumes, durations, and projected paths. New pipeline segments shall be equipped with automatic shutoff valves, or suitable alternatives approved by the Planning Director, so that each segment will be isolated in the event of a break.


    Upon completion of pipeline construction, the site shall be restored to the approximate previous grade and condition. All sites previously covered with native vegetation shall be reseeded with the same or recovered with the previously removed vegetative materials, and shall include other measures as deemed necessary to prevent erosion until the vegetation can become established, and to promote visual and environmental quality.

(Am. Ord. 3810—5/5/87; Am. Ord. 3900—6/20/89)