§ 8107-5.6.15. Compliance with noise standard.  

Latest version.
  • When a permittee has been notified by the Planning Division that his operation is in violation of the applicable noise standard, the permittee shall correct the problem as soon as possible in coordination with the Planning Division. In the interim, operations may continue; however, the operator shall attempt to minimize the total noise generated at the site by limiting, whenever possible, such activities as the following:


    hammering on pipe;


    racking or making-up of pipe;


    acceleration and deceleration of engines or motors;


    drilling assembly rotational speeds that cause more noise than necessary and could reasonably be reduced by use of a slower rotational speed;


    picking up or laying down drill pipe, casing, tubing or rods into or out of the drill hole.

    If the noise problem has not been corrected by 7:00 p.m. of the following day, the offending operations, except for those deemed necessary for safety reasons by the Planning Director upon the advice of the Division of Oil and Gas, shall be suspended until the problem is corrected.