§ 8107-9.6.17. Permit review.  

Latest version.
  • Monitoring of the permit or aspects of it may be required as often as necessary to ensure compliance with the permit conditions. In any case, the permit and site shall be reviewed and inspected by the Planning Division or its contractors at least once a year. The purpose of said review is to ascertain whether the permittee is in compliance with all conditions of the permit and current SMARA requirements and whether there have been significant changes in environmental conditions, land use or mining technology, or if there is other good cause which would warrant the Planning Director's filing of an application for modification of the conditions of the permit. If such an application is filed, it shall be at the County's expense and modification of conditions would not occur without a duly noticed public hearing. More frequent inspections may be mandated at the discretion of the Planning Director after violations have been discovered on the site. The permittee shall pay the County the annual inspection fee established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

(Am. Ord. 4092—6/27/95)