§ 81079.8.15. Removal of material is integral to conduct agricultural operations, and is beneficial for the development or enhancement of a bone fide farming operation on the site, as determined by the Planning Director, in consultation with County agricultural authorities (i.e., Agricultural Commissioner's Office, Farm Advisor, etc.). In making this determination the Planning Director shall use the following guidelines among others, where applicable:  

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    An agronomic report by a qualified soil expert certifies that the proposed removal of material will enhance the agricultural productivity of the site and may be required if determined necessary by the Planning Director.


    The topsoil at the site is being preserved.


    The depth of material excavated does not exceed the minimum depth required to create a suitable soil zone for the intended crops/trees.


    A farm plan that includes such details as: the crops/trees to be grown at the site, irrigation plans, long term water availability for the intended crops/trees, and an implementation schedule.