Article 8. Parking and Loading Requirements  

§ 8108-0. Purpose.
§ 8108-1. Applicability.
§ 8108-1.1. New uses.
§ 8108-1.2. Changes to or expansions of existing land uses.
§ 8108-1.2.1. Changes to or expansions of existing land uses that do not require additional motor vehicle parking spaces.
§ 8108-1.2.2. Changes to or expansions of existing land uses that require additional motor vehicle parking spaces.
§ 8108-2. Authority of Planning Director to modify or waive requirements.
§ 8108-3. General requirements.
§ 8108-3.1. Use of parking spaces.
§ 8108-3.2. Maintenance.
§ 8108-3.3. Proximity to land use.
§ 8108-3.3.1. Off-site parking.
§ 8108-3.3.2. Off-site parking agreements.
§ 8108-3.4. Accessory parking and storage of large commercial vehicles.
§ 8108-3.5. Solar structures.
§ 8108-3.6. Green roofs.
§ 8108-4. Number of parking spaces required.
§ 8108-4.1. Calculation of required parking.
§ 8108-4.2. Motorcycle parking.
§ 8108-4.3. Bicycle parking.
§ 8108-4.3.1. Planning Director waivers/modifications.
§ 8108-4.4. Accessible parking for disabled persons.
§ 8108-4.5. Carpool parking.
§ 8108-4.6. Shared parking.
§ 8108-4.7. Table of parking space requirements by land use.
§ 8108-4.7.1. Table of parking space requirements for multi-family dwelling units.
§ 8108-4.8. Adjustments to number of motor vehicle parking spaces required.
§ 8108-4.8.1. Reductions in number of motor vehicle parking spaces required.
§ 8108-4.8.2. Parking space reduction documentation.
§ 8108-4.8.3. Increases to the number of motor vehicle parking spaces required.
§ 8108-5. Motor vehicle parking design standards.
§ 8108-5.1. Parking plans.
§ 8108-5.2. Stormwater management.
§ 8108-5.3. Location.
§ 8108-5.3.1. Behind or beside buildings.
§ 8108-5.3.2. Parking in setbacks.
§ 8108-5.3.3. Motorcycle parking.
§ 8108-5.3.4. Carpool parking.
§ 8108-5.3.5. Bicycle parking.
§ 8108-5.3.6. Floodways and floodplains.
§ 8108-5.4. Circulation.
§ 8108-5.4.1. Cross access.
§ 8108-5.4.2. Pedestrian safe access.
§ 8108-5.4.3. Fire apparatus access.
§ 8108-5.4.4. Adequate turning radii.
§ 8108-5.4.5. Contained maneuvering.
§ 8108-5.4.6. Short parking rows.
§ 8108-5.4.7. Dead ends minimized.
§ 8108-5.4.8. Directional signs.
§ 8108-5.5. Driveways.
§ 8108-5.5.1. Driveway width.
§ 8108-5.5.2. Number of driveways.
§ 8108-5.5.3. Shared driveways.
§ 8108-5.5.4. Driveways clearly designated.
§ 8108-5.6. Parking area and space dimensions.
§ 8108-5.6.1. Planning director waivers/modifications.
§ 8108-5.6.2. Space angle.
§ 8108-5.6.3. Standard spaces.
§ 8108-5.6.4. Motorcycle spaces.
§ 8108-5.6.5. Compact spaces.
§ 8108-5.6.6. Parallel spaces.
§ 8108-5.6.7. Bicycle spaces.
§ 8108-5.6.8. Clear height in parking structures.
§ 8108-5.6.9. Dead end turnout.
§ 8108-5.6.10. Drive aisles and modules.
§ 8108-5.6.11. Table of parking area layout dimensions.
§ 8108-5.6.12. Figure 1: Parking area layout dimensions.
§ 8108-5.7. Tandem parking.
§ 8108-5.8. Slope.
§ 8108-5.8.1. Planning Director waivers/modifications.
§ 8108-5.9. Surfaces.
§ 8108-5.9.1. Surfacing plans.
§ 8108-5.10. Parking space marking.
§ 8108-5.10.1. Exception.
§ 8108-5.11. Clear visibility and safety.
§ 8108-5.12. Lighting.
§ 8108-5.13. Trash and recyclables receptacles.
§ 8108-5.14. Landscaping and screening.
§ 8108-5.14.1. Purpose.
§ 8108-5.14.2. Applicability.
§ 8108-5.14.3. Landscape plans.
§ 8108-5.14.4. Perimeter landscaping and screening.
§ 8108-5.14.5. Interior landscaping.
§ 8108-5.14.6. Stormwater management landscaping.
§ 8108-5.14.7. Trees.
§ 8108-5.14.8. Curbs.
§ 8108-5.14.9. Materials loading area screening.
§ 8108-6. Bicycle parking design standards.
§ 8108-6.1. Short-term bicycle parking (bicycle racks).
§ 8108-6.2. Long-term bicycle parking.
§ 8108-6.3. Location.
§ 8108-6.3.1. Proximity to main entrances.
§ 8108-6.3.2. Outside pedestrian pathway.
§ 8108-6.4. Layout.
§ 8108-6.4.1. Bicycle parking facility delineation.
§ 8108-6.4.2. Bicycle parking facility signage.
§ 8108-6.4.3. Bicycle parking space dimensions.
§ 8108-6.4.4. Aisle width.
§ 8108-6.5. Lighting.
§ 8108-7. Drive-through facilities.
§ 8108-7.1. Queuing lane.
§ 8108-7.1.1. Planning Director waiver/modification.
§ 8108-7.2. Directional signs.
§ 8108-7.3. Location.
§ 8108-7.4. Queuing capacity.
§ 8108-7.4.1. Table of queuing lane requirements.
§ 8108-8. Loading areas.
§ 8108-8.1. Passenger loading areas.
§ 8108-8.1.1. Table of required passenger loading areas.
§ 8108-8.2. Materials loading areas.
§ 8108-8.2.1. Planning Director waiver/modification.
§ 8108-8.2.2. Table of required materials loading areas.
§ 8108-8.2.3. Location and design.