§ 8108-3.3.1. Off-site parking.  

Latest version.
  • Off-site parking for non-residential land uses may be provided at a site remote from the land use if all of the following conditions can be met:


    The off-site parking area is located within five hundred (500) feet of the land use to be served. The distance from the off-site parking area to the land use to be served shall be measured along a sidewalk or other pedestrian pathway from the nearest off-site parking space to the nearest public entrance to the building.


    Planning Director Waivers/Modifications. The Director may approve the provision of off-street parking spaces at a site more than five hundred (500) feet from the land use to be served if the applicant can demonstrate to the Director that such off-site parking will actually be used as intended. Evidence of this may be the provision of shuttle or valet service between the parking area and the land use to be served, or similar arrangements.


    The applicant provides documentation demonstrating that the off-site parking area is capable of meeting parking demand for both the land use to be served and any other land uses that may utilize the off-site parking area.


    The off-site parking area meets the design standards of Section 8108-5.


    The off-site parking area can be accessed easily from the primary land use and does not expose pedestrians to hazardous traffic safety conditions or create a traffic hazard.


    The number of off-site parking spaces assigned to the property to be served does not exceed the allowed number of parking spaces for the land use.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)