§ 8108-4.1. Calculation of required parking.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Except as otherwise provided, when calculating the number of required parking spaces results in a fraction, such fractions shall be rounded to whole numbers pursuant to Section 8101-4.8.


    When calculating required parking spaces based on gross floor area or sales and display area, areas used for parking are not included.


    Motor vehicle parking requirements may be increased or decreased by ten (10) percent from the basic rates shown in Section 8108-4.7 - Table of Parking Space Requirements by Land Use, but this adjustment shall be used only once. For example, determining if additional parking is required for a change to a land use involves comparing the parking required for the proposed use with the parking required for the current use. In this case, the basic parking rate may be adjusted by up to ten (10) percent for the proposed use or the current use, but not both.


    Whenever requirements (e.g., bicycle or carpool parking spaces) are based upon the number of motor vehicle spaces, these shall be calculated based on the number of required motor vehicle spaces before any subtraction of spaces has occurred for provision of motorcycle spaces, and after any adjustments pursuant to Section 8108-4.8.


    When the number of required parking spaces for motor vehicles or bicycles is calculated based upon the number of employees or students, and the number of employees or students is not known at the time of permit application, the Director shall determine the parking requirements based upon the gross floor area, type of land use, or other appropriate factors. The number of employees shall mean the number of employees on the largest shift and the number of students shall mean the maximum number of students expected onsite at any one time.


    When the number of required parking spaces is calculated based upon the number of seats and seats are provided by benches or the like, two (2) feet shall be considered one seat.


    When there are two (2) or more separate primary land uses on a site, the required number and type of off-street parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for the various individual land uses, unless otherwise provided for in Section 8108-4.6.


    Mechanical parking lifts may be used to meet motor vehicle parking requirements.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)