§ 8108-4.7. Table of parking space requirements by land use.  

Latest version.
  • The table below indicates the number of required off-street motor vehicle and bicycle parking spaces that shall be provided for various land uses. For non-residential land uses the number of motor vehicle parking spaces set forth in the table, plus or minus ten (10) percent of the total, represents the minimum required and the maximum allowed number of spaces, unless varied pursuant to Section 8108-4.8 below. For residential land uses the number of motor vehicle parking spaces set forth in the table represents the minimum required number of spaces, unless varied pursuant to Section 8108-4.8 below.

    The number of motor vehicle parking spaces required in this section is intended to address the needs of residents, employees and regular users of an establishment. The number is not intended to reflect the need for parking large delivery trucks, vans or buses; storage of vehicle inventory; or other specialty parking needs related to the operation of specific land uses.

    The Director has the authority to determine the parking space requirements for any land use not specifically listed based on the requirements for the most comparable land use.

    Land Use Motor Vehicle Spaces Required Bicycle Spaces Required
    AGRICULTURAL LAND USES +/- 10% of the total
    Buildings for the Packing or Processing of Agricultural Products 1 space per 500 sq. ft. of GFA
    Agricultural Contractor's Service and Storage Yards and Buildings As determined by decision-making body
    Agricultural Sales Facilities
     Small Minimum of 3 spaces
     Large 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of GFA ST: Minimum of 2 spaces
    Greenhouses & Hothouses 2 spaces per acre, plus spaces required for associated offices or retail; minimum of 3 spaces or as determined by decision-making body. LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    Agricultural Uses not Otherwise Listed As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    Assembly Uses First 3,000 sq. ft. of GFA—1 space per 125 sq. ft.; plus
    Over 3001 sq. ft. of GFA—1 space per 550 sq. ft.; plus
    Auditorium or main assembly room—1 space per 70 sq. ft. of GFA; plus
    Spaces as needed for accessory uses—As determined by decision-making body
    ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Automobile Repairing 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of GFA for office or retail space. Service bays, workstations and vehicle storage shall not be counted toward meeting the motor vehicle parking space requirements LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Automobile Service Stations
     Without Retail 1 space. Fueling stations shall not be counted toward meeting the motor vehicle parking space requirements. ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces; minimum of 1
     With Retail 1 space, plus 1 space per 250 GFA of retail use. Fueling stations shall not be counted toward meeting the motor vehicle parking space requirements. ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces; minimum of 1
    Banks and Financial Institutions 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    ST: 5% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Bars and Taverns See "Eating Establishments" See "Eating Establishments"
    Bowling Alleys 3 spaces per bowling lane LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 8% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Camps and Retreats As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    Campgrounds 1 space per campsite or table, plus
    2 spaces per 25 campsites, plus spaces required for any accessory uses As determined by decision-making body
    Car Washes As determined by decision-making body LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    Community Centers See Assembly Uses See Assembly Uses
    Eating Establishments Up to 5,000 sq. ft. of GFA: Either 1 space per 90 sq. ft. of GFA including outdoor customer dining area, or 1 space per 2.4 seats, as determined appropriate by the decision-making body
    Over 5,001 sq. ft. of GFA: Either 1 space per 145 sq. ft. of GFA including outdoor customer dining area, or 1 space per 3.2 seats, as determined appropriate by the decision-making body
    LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Education and Training
     Elementary and Middle School 1 space per 8 students of planned capacity LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    ST: 1 space (gated) per 12 students, above first grade, of planned capacity
     High Schools 1 space per 4 students of planned capacity LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    ST: 1 space (gated) per 16 students of planned capacity
     Boarding Schools As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
     Professional, Vocational, Art and Craft Schools, and the Like 1 space per 4 students of planned capacity LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    ST: 8% of required vehicle spaces
     Colleges and Universities 1 space per 4 students of planned capacity LT: 1 space per 30 employees plus 1 space per dormitory unit
    ST: 10% of required vehicle spaces
    Feed Stores 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of sales or display area (excludes storage areas not used by the public)
    Furniture and Appliance Stores Handling Primarily Bulky Merchandise 1 space per 500 sq. ft. of sales or display area (excludes storage areas not used by the public) LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    Golf Courses and Driving Ranges
     Golf Course 3 spaces per hole LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 2% of required motor vehicle spaces
     Driving Range 1 space per tee
     Commercial Use 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of GFA
     Eating or Drinking Establishment See "Eating Establishments"
    Grocery Store As determined by decision-making body LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Gymnasiums, Health Clubs, Spas, and Similar Land Uses (does not apply to gymnasiums associated with schools or institutions) 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of GFA. LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces
     Hotels, Motels, and Similar Uses 1 space per unit, plus 1 additional space per 20 units LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA of banquet and meeting room space; minimum of 2 spaces
     Bed-and-Breakfast Inns and Similar Land Uses, Having Sleeping Rooms or Areas Spaces required for the dwelling, plus 1 space per rented room. ST: 2 spaces
    Libraries 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 8% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Lumber and Building Materials Sales Yards 1 space per 550 sq. ft. of sales or display area (excludes storage areas not used by the public) LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Medical Services
     Hospitals 2.5 spaces per bed LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
     Residential Care Facility (7 or more persons) 0.5 spaces per bed LT: 1 space per 15 residents (not required if the care facility is for people unable to use bicycles, such as convalescents or the physically disabled) and 1 space per 25 employees (enclosed garages/storage lockers are acceptable)
    ST: 1 space per 20 residents
     Intermediate Care Facilities 1 space per bed LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
     Offices: Medical, Health Clinic, Dental 1 space per 200 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces or 1 space per 30 employees (as determined appropriate by decision-making body)
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces; minimum of 1 space
    Motor Vehicle, Mobilehome, Recreational Vehicle, and Boat Sales and Rental (includes Trailers) As determined by decision-making body LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Museums, Art Galleries As determined by decision-making body LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 6% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Offices, Professional and Government 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces or 1 space per 30 employees (as appropriate per Planning Director)
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Outdoor Sales and Services, Temporary As determined by decision-making body.
    Parking Facilities ST: 5% of required motor vehicle spaces
     Without Buildings Minimum of 5 spaces ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces
     Without Athletic Fields As determined by decision-making body ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces
     With Athletic Fields 1 parking space per 3,000 sq. ft. of field area, plus 1 space per 6 linear feet of seating area; minimum of 20 spaces ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Plant Nurseries, Retail 1 space per 550 sq. ft. of sales or display area (excludes storage areas not used by the public) LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 3% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Plant Nurseries, Wholesale Minimum of 3 spaces; plus additional as determined by decision-making body LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    Public Service/Utility Facility Land Uses (Electrical Substations, Pump Stations, etc.) and Public Utility Buildings
     Offices 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 1 space per 30 employees
     Other Buildings or Land Uses As determined by decision-making body
     Automated and Unattended None
    Rental and Leasing of Durable Goods 1 space per 500 sq. ft. of sales or display area (excludes storage areas not used by the public)
    RV Parks 1 space per campsite or table, plus 2 spaces per 25 campsites, plus parking required for any accessory uses As determined by decision-making body
    Shopping Center As determined by decision-making body LT: 1 space per 10,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    ST: 1 space per 4,000 sq. ft. of GFA; minimum of 1 space within 100 ft. of each customer entrance
    Theaters, Amphitheaters and Similar Spectator-type Enterprises and Establishments
     With Fixed Seats 1 space per 4 fixed seats LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 1 per 110 fixed seats; minimum of 4 spaces
     Without Fixed Seats 1 space per 4 persons of planned capacity LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 1 per 75 persons of planned capacity; minimum of 4 spaces
    Transit Stations and Terminals As determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    Veterinary Clinics 1 space per 200 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    ST: 2% of required motor vehicle spaces
    Commercial Land Uses Not Otherwise Listed 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of GFA or as determined by decision-making body As determined by decision-making body
    INDUSTRIAL LAND USES +/- 10% of the total
    Laboratories; Research and Scientific 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 1 space per 30 employees
    Manufacturing and Processing (includes slaughtering) 1 space per 500 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 1 space per 25 employees
    Mini-storage Minimum of 2 spaces; plus additional as determined by decision-making body
    Warehousing (includes freight terminals) 1 space per 1,500 sq. ft. of GFA, plus spaces required for associated office space and loading bays LT: 1 per 60,000 sq. ft. of GFA or 1 per 25 employees (as appropriate per Planning Director)
    Waste and Recycling Facilities As determined by decision-making body LT: 1 per 25 employees
    Industrial Land Uses Not Otherwise Listed 1 space per 500 sq. ft. of GFA LT: 1 per 25 employees
    RESIDENTIAL LAND USES Minimum Required
    Boarding Houses or Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Units 1 space per unit, plus parking required for single-family dwelling unit LT: 1 space per 8 rented rooms (enclosed garages/storage lockers are acceptable)
    ST: 1 space per 20 residents
    Caretaker or Farmworker Single Family Dwellings 1 space for 1 bedroom or less
    2 spaces for 2—4 bedrooms
    3 spaces for 5 bedrooms
    Homeless Shelters 0.2 spaces per resident plus 1 space per employee and volunteer on largest shift, plus 1 space per vehicle used in the operation of the shelter. Up to 25% of the required spaces may be held in reserve or converted to a land use related to the shelter, such as additional bicycle parking, which can be readily reverted back to motor vehicle parking at a later date. LT: 1 space per 8 residents and 1 space per 25 employees (enclosed garages/storage lockers are acceptable)
    ST: 1 space per 15 residents
    Mobilehome Parks
     Resident Parking 2 spaces per unit
     Visitor Parking (required if internal streets are less than 32 feet wide) 1 space for each 4 units, in addition to parking spaces required for residents
    Multi-Family Dwelling Units See Section 8108-4.7.1
    Accessory Dwelling Units 1 covered/uncovered space (in addition to the spaces required for the principal dwelling unit)
    No additional parking is required for accessory dwelling units that meet the provisions of Sec. 8107-1.7.2(e).
    Single-Family and Two-Family Dwellings
     1-4 Bedrooms (per unit) 2 covered spaces
     5 Bedrooms (per unit) 3 spaces (2 shall be covered )
     6 or More Bedrooms (per unit) 4 spaces, (2 shall be covered )


    ST: Short-term bicycle parking spaces, generally bike rakes.

    LT: Long-term bicycle parking spaces, generally enclosed lockers.

    Replacement parking for the principal dwelling unit, as a result of the garage being demolished or converted to an accessory dwelling unit, may be located in any configuration on the same lot as the accessory dwelling unit and as uncovered or tandem spaces, pursuant to Section 8107-1.7.1(d) and Section 8107-1.7.2(h).

    Except that on parcels larger than 1 acre located in OS, AE, RA, RE, RO, and TP zones, parking may be uncovered.

    (Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009; Ord. No. 4507, § 4, 3-14-2017; Ord. No. 4519, § 5, 4-18-2017)

    Note— Ord. No. 4509, § 2, adopted April 18, 2017, stipulates that "Pursuant to Government Code Section 65858(a), the Board hereby extends for an additional ten months and fifteen days, through March 13, 2018, unless otherwise extended in compliance with Government Code Section 65858, the temporary amendments to the NCZO adopted by Ordinance No. 4507 in order for staff to continue to study, evaluate and develop permanent amendments to the NCZO regulating ADUs."