§ 8108-4.8.1. Reductions in number of motor vehicle parking spaces required.  

Latest version.
  • An applicant may use one or more of the following measures and approaches to justify a reduction in the number of required motor vehicle parking spaces. Additional justifications may be considered by the Director.


    Parking Study. Applicant funds and provides a parking study to assess the land use's parking needs. Parking studies shall be prepared by a person/firm qualified to prepare such studies, as determined by the Director.


    Transportation Demand Management Plan. Applicant funds and prepares a Transportation Demand Management plan to reduce motor vehicle trips to the land use. Transportation Demand Management plans shall be prepared by a person/firm qualified to prepare such plans, as determined by the Director. Such plans shall provide documentation describing the measures that will be used to reduce parking demand. Such measures may include, but are not limited to:


    Locating a project within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of a stop for bus, rail, shuttle, or other public transit services.


    Installing transit stops or enhancing existing adjacent transit stops by incorporating additional landscaping, shelters, informational kiosks, or other amenities.


    Locating the project adjacent to a designated bicycle route or path.


    Improving existing bicycle routes and paths in the vicinity of the project.


    Providing employees with a parking cash-out option.


    Providing residents or employees with transit passes.


    Providing shuttle services for employees, visitors, or residents.


    Creating ridesharing programs.


    Charging for parking.


    Improving the pedestrian environment surrounding the project by the provision of sidewalks, marked crosswalks, additional landscaping, street furniture, lighting, and/or other safety features.


    Allowing flexible work schedules or telecommuting.


    Providing on-site amenities, which could include daycare, restaurants, and/or personal services such as banking or dry cleaning.


    Installing additional bicycle parking facilities above the minimum requirements. Requirements for this reduction include:


    Bicycle parking spaces shall meet the short- and long-term bicycle parking standards outlined in Section 8108-6.


    For every four (4) bicycle parking spaces provided above the minimum requirement, the amount of motor vehicle parking spaces provided may be reduced by one (1) space, up to a maximum reduction of six (6) percent of required motor vehicle spaces. Existing parking may be converted to take advantage of this provision.


    Providing shower and locker facilities. The provision of showers and associated lockers may be provided in lieu of required motor vehicle parking under some circumstances. Requirements for this reduction include:


    The number of showers provided shall be based on demonstrated demand. At least six (6) lockers for personal effects shall be provided per shower and shall be located near showers and dressing areas. Lockers shall be well ventilated and of a size sufficient to allow the storage of cycling attire and equipment. Showers and lockers should be located as close as possible to the bicycle parking facilities.


    For every two (2) showers (one (1) per gender) and six (6) clothing lockers per shower provided, the amount of motor vehicle parking spaces provided may be reduced by three (3) spaces, up to a maximum reduction of three (3) percent of required motor vehicle spaces. Existing parking may be converted to take advantage of this provision.


    Other measures to encourage transit use or to reduce parking needs.


    Affordable or Senior Housing. The total number of spaces required may be reduced for affordable (low income, very low income, extremely low income) or senior housing units, commensurate with the reduced parking demand created by the housing facility, including for visitors and accessory facilities. The reduction shall consider proximity to transit and support services and the Director may require traffic demand management measures in conjunction with any approval.


    Drive-Through Land Uses. A reduction in the required number of parking spaces may be approved if documentation is provided which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that the required number of parking spaces will not be needed due to the drive-through nature of the land use.


    On-Street Parking. The availability of on-street parking spaces contiguous with the proposed land use's parcel(s) may be considered by the Director in approving a request to reduce the required number of off-street parking spaces.


    Parking Reserve. When parking spaces required by this article are not needed by the current land use occupants or are not needed in the current phase of development, the land for those spaces may be held in reserve. For non-residential land uses this parking reserve shall be limited to one (1) parking space or up to ten (10) percent of the total number of required parking spaces, whichever is greater. The parking reserve area shall be included in the determination of lot coverage as though the spaces were in use. To take advantage of reserved parking, the following provisions shall be met:


    The applicant must demonstrate that the reduced number of parking spaces will be adequate to provide sufficient parking for the land uses on the property.


    The area designated as reserve parking must be clearly depicted on the approved site plan, and the terms and conditions of the reserved parking shall be clearly set forth in the approved site plan notations.


    For nonresidential land uses, landscaping must be provided in lieu of the required parking spaces in compliance with Section 8108-5.14 and Ventura County's Landscape Design Criteria.


    The reserved parking spaces must be maintained in a manner that leaves them available for conversion to required parking spaces. No above-ground improvements shall be placed or constructed upon the reserve parking area.


    The permit shall be conditioned to require the conversion of the reserved spaces into usable parking spaces at any time that the Director determines necessary.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)