§ 8108-5.4.2. Pedestrian safe access.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Parking areas serving commercial, institutional, and multi-family land uses shall not impede safe and direct pedestrian access from the street or sidewalk to building entrances.


    At least one (1) pedestrian pathway shall be provided from the street or sidewalk to the primary building entrance. If not completely separated from vehicular traffic, pedestrian pathways shall be clearly designated using a raised surface, distinctive paving, bollards, special railing, or similar treatment. Such pathways shall be in compliance with the California Building Standards Code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Pathways shall be designed to have minimal direct contact with traffic and prevent parked vehicles from overhanging the pathways. The use of pervious surface materials for pedestrian pathways is encouraged.


    Where feasible, parking rows shall be perpendicular to the main building entrance(s) or main pedestrian pathway(s) to assist safe pedestrian movement toward the building.


    Where cross access is provided, it shall be designed, established, and maintained so that internal drive aisles, parking spaces, and pedestrian paths assure safe pedestrian access to adjacent land uses, and adjacent parking areas.


    Where pedestrian routes cross driveways such crossings shall be clearly marked.


    If parking is designed to allow vehicle overhang into a pedestrian pathway, the pathway width shall be increased by at least two (2) feet. Pedestrian pathways adjacent to a building shall be in compliance with the California Building Standards Code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24) and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)