Article 9. Standards for Specific Zones and Zone Types  

§ 8109-0. Standards for all zones.
§ 8109-0.1. Development criteria.
§ 8109-0.2. Sewage disposal.
§ 8109-0.3. Fire protection.
§ 8109-0.4. Protection of agricultural resources.
§ 8109-0.5. Stormwater quality protection.
§ 8109-0.6. Landscaping.
§ 8109-0.6.1. CO zone.
§ 8109-0.6.2. C1 zone.
§ 8109-0.6.3. CPD zone.
§ 8109-0.6.4. M zones.
§ 8109-0.6.5. Landscaping in other zones.
§ 8109-0.7. Transportation demand and trip reduction measures.
§ 8109-1. Standards for open space, agricultural and residential zones.
§ 8109-1.1. General standards.
§ 8109-1.1.1. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, there shall not be more than one principal residential structure on any lot. Not more than two (2) dwellings of any type shall be constructed on any lot in the R-2 zone.
§ 8109-1.1.2. Care facilities.
§ 8109-1.1.3. No item of open storage, or structures intended for accessory use, other than an accessory dwelling unit, a temporary building during construction, or a farm worker dwelling unit, may be used for human habitation.
§ 8109-1.2. Standards for Residential Planned Development (R-P-D) zone.
§ 8109-1.2.1. General standards.
§ 8109-1.2.2. Setback regulations.
§ 8109-1.2.3. Circulation.
§ 8109-1.2.4. Open space requirements.
§ 8109-1.2.5. Commercial uses.
§ 8109-1.2.6. Requests for one single family dwelling unit in the R-P-D zone.
§ 8109-1.3. Standards for the Residential High Density (RHD) zone.
§ 8109-1.3.1. Definition and purpose.
§ 8109-1.3.2. Residential High Density zoning clearance.
§ 8109-1.3.3. General density standards.
§ 8109-1.3.4. Residential High Density development standards.
§ 8109-1.3.5. Construction and operational standards.
§ 8109-1.3.6. Site design standards for projects not located within an area plan boundary.
§ 8109-1.3.7. Affordability requirements.
§ 8109-1.3.8. Development application requirements.
§ 8109-1.4. Standards for the Residential (RES) Zone.
§ 8109-1.5. Standards for the Residential Mixed Use (R/MU) Zone.
§ 8109-2. Standards for commercial zones.
§ 8109-2.1. The following standards shall apply to development in all commercial zones:
§ 8109-2.1.1. Enclosed building requirements.
§ 8109-2.1.2. Lighting.
§ 8109-2.1.3. Undergrounding of utilities.
§ 8109-2.1.4. Retail establishments.
§ 8109-2.1.5. Processing standards.
§ 8109-2.1.6. Performance standards.
§ 8109-2.2. Open storage.
§ 8109-2.3. Accessory businesses in C-O zone.
§ 8109-2.4. Standards for the Town Center (TC) Zone.
§ 8109-3. Standards for industrial zones.
§ 8109-3.1. The following standards shall apply to development in all industrial zones:
§ 8109-3.1.1. Undergrounding of utilities.
§ 8109-3.1.2. Private streets.
§ 8109-3.1.3. Industrial performance standards.
§ 8109-3.2. M-1 zone.
§ 8109-3.2.1. Uses involving the following kinds of activities and elements are not considered appropriate in the M-1 zone:
§ 8109-3.2.2. Predominant activities and operations shall be enclosed within buildings, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. The Planning Director is authorized to determine the reasonable application of this provision in cases of operation hardship or other showing of special circumstances.
§ 8109-3.2.3. Multi-tenant buildings are permitted, provided that the building is designed to appear as a single building with a unified design.
§ 8109-3.2.4. Principal buildings constructed of metal are not permitted. Accessory buildings constructed of metal shall have exterior surfaces of a stainless steel, aluminum, painted, baked enamel or similarly finished surface.
§ 8109-3.2.5. Accessory outside storage shall be confined to the area to the rear of the principal building or the rear two-thirds of the property, whichever is the more restrictive, and screened from view from any property line by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds or landscaping.
§ 8109-3.2.6. Off-street parking spaces may be located within required setbacks from streets under certain circumstances; see Sec. 8106-5.3.
§ 8109-3.3. M-2 zone.
§ 8109-3.3.1. The same criteria given for the M-1 Zone (Sec. 8109-3.2.1 above) apply to the M-2 Zone, except that the latter allows uses which may involve moderate levels of noise, small-scale assembly-line processes and light metal work.
§ 8109-3.3.2. Principal buildings constructed of metal shall be faced along any street side with masonry, stone, concrete or similar material, such facing treatment to extend along the interior side yards of such building a distance of at least ten feet. The metal portion of the principal building and all metal accessory buildings shall have exterior surfaces constructed or faced with a stainless steel, aluminum, painted, baked enamel, or similarly finished surface.
§ 8109-3.3.3. Outside storage and operations yards shall be confined to the area to the rear of a line which is an extension of the front wall of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any street by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds or landscaping. Outside storage located in a required yard shall not exceed a height of 15 feet.
§ 8109-3.3.4. Off-street parking spaces may be located within required setbacks from streets under certain circumstances; see Sec. 8106-5.3.
§ 8109-3.4. M-3 zone.
§ 8109-3.4.1. Metal buildings, including accessory buildings, either shall have exterior surfaces constructed or faced with a stainless steel, aluminum, painted, baked enamel, or similarly finished surface; or shall be reasonably screened from view from any street by other buildings or by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds or landscaping; or shall be located not less than 100 feet from the street centerline.
§ 8109-3.4.2. Outside storage and operations yards shall be fenced for security and public safety at the property line.
§ 8109-3.5. Standards for the Light Industrial (IND) Zone.
§ 8109-4. Standards for overlay and special purpose zones.
§ 8109-4.1. Scenic resource protection overlay zone.
§ 8109-4.1.1. Application.
§ 8109-4.1.2. Required permits.
§ 8109-4.1.3. General and special exemptions.
§ 8109-4.1.4. Required tree permit.
§ 8109-4.1.5. Development standards.
§ 8109-4.2. Standards and procedures for Specific Plan (S-P) zone.
§ 8109-4.2.1. Special standards.
§ 8109-4.2.2. Procedure and conditions for permits.
§ 8109-4.3. Standards and procedures of Timberland Preserve (T-P) zone.
§ 8109-4.3.1. Rezoning to T-P (owner-initiated).
§ 8109-4.3.2. Removal from T-P zone.
§ 8109-4.3.3. Environmental impact report: Exemption.
§ 8109-4.3.4. Recordation.
§ 8109-4.3.5. Enforcement and administration.
§ 8109-4.3.6. Division of land.
§ 8109-4.4. Mineral Resource Protection overlay zone.
§ 8109-4.4.1. Application.
§ 8109-4.4.2. Permit standards.
§ 8109-4.5. Community Business District overlay zone.
§ 8109-4.5.1. Application.
§ 8109-4.5.2. Ministerial design permit.
§ 8109-4.5.3. Permit standards.
§ 8109-4.5.4. Deviations from development, parking, landscape and sign standards.
§ 8109-4.5.5. Mixed-use development.
§ 8109-4.6. Temporary Rental Unit Regulation overlay zone.
§ 8109-4.6.1. Temporary rental of dwelling must be expressly authorized.
§ 8109-4.6.2. Definitions.
§ 8109-4.6.3. Application.
§ 8109-4.6.4. Permit requirement.
§ 8109- Limited term.
§ 8109-4.6.5. Permit eligibility.
§ 8109- Owner requirements and limitations.
§ 8109- Ineligible dwellings and structures.
§ 8109- Limitation on short-term rentals.
§ 8109-4.6.6. Pre-permitting inspection.
§ 8109-4.6.7. Permit application, processing and fees.
§ 8109-4.6.8. Operational standards.
§ 8109- Occupancy limits.
§ 8109- Parking requirements.
§ 8109- Noise.
§ 8109- Reserved.
§ 8109- Events and activities.
§ 8109- Refuse.
§ 8109-4.6.9. Property management requirements.
§ 8109- Owner/property manager requirements.
§ 8109- Posting outside of units; permit notification.
§ 8109- Information in rental agreements, advertisements and listings.
§ 8109- Posting inside of dwellings.
§ 8109- Business license; business taxes; transient occupancy tax.
§ 8109- Insurance.
§ 8109- Defense and indemnification.
§ 8109- Record-keeping.
§ 8109-4.6.10. Inspection and monitoring.
§ 8109- Inspections.
§ 8109- Monitoring.
§ 8109-4.6.11. Complaints and violations.
§ 8109- Complaints.
§ 8109- Violations.
§ 8109-4.6.12. Legal nonconforming short-term rentals and homeshares.
§ 8109-4.7. Dark Sky overlay zone (DKS).
§ 8109-4.7.1. Applicability.
§ 8109-4.7.2. Existing lighting.
§ 8109-4.7.3. Prohibited lighting.
§ 8109-4.7.4. General standards.
§ 8109-4.7.5. Exempt lighting.
§ 8109-4.7.6. Deviation from standards and requirements.