§ 8109-0.7. Transportation demand and trip reduction measures.  

Latest version.
  • Prior to approval of a discretionary development project, the applicant shall make provision for, as a minimum, all the following applicable transportation demand management and trip reduction measures.


    Non-Residential Development Standards:


    Non-Residential development serving forty (40) or more employees, based upon the largest shift of employees at the site during working hours, shall provide the following for the Planning Director's review and approval:

    A bulletin board, display case, or kiosk displaying transportation information, located where it will be visible to the greatest number of employees. The information for display shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


    Current maps, routes and schedules for public transit routes serving the site;


    Ridesharing promotional material supplied by commuter-oriented organizations;


    Telephone numbers for referrals on transportation information including numbers for the regional ridesharing agency, Dial-A-Route, and local transit operators;


    Bicycle route and facility information, including regional/local bicycle maps and bicycle safety information;


    A listing of facilities and services available at the site for carpoolers, vanpoolers, bicyclists, transit riders and pedestrians.


    Non-Residential development servicing one hundred ten (110) or more employees, based upon the largest shift of employees at the site during working hours, shall provide the following for the Planning Director's review and approval which shall be based upon good planning practices and shall comply with Section 8109-0.7(a)(1) above:


    Bus stop improvements if determined necessary by the Planning Director to mitigate the project impact. The Planning Director will consult with the local bus service providers in determining appropriate improvements (i.e., bus pullouts, bus pads, shelters, etc.). When locating bus stops and/or planning building entrances, entrances should be designed to provide safe and efficient access to nearby transit stations/stops.


    A development design incorporating lunchrooms, cafeterias, eating establishments and other facilities in order to reduce the need for midday driving.


    Residential Development Standards:


    Residential development of seventy (70) dwelling units up to three hundred forty-nine (349) dwelling units shall provide the following to the satisfaction of the Planning Director based upon good planning practices:

    Bus stop improvements if determined necessary by the Planning Director. The Planning Director will consult with the local bus service providers in determining appropriate improvements.


    Residential development of three hundred fifty (350) dwelling units or more shall comply with Section 8109-0.7(b)(1) above, and shall provide the following measure to the satisfaction of the Planning Director based upon good planning practices:

    A development design incorporating, to the greatest extent possible and as appropriate based on adjacent land use and markets, services such as dry cleaners, eating establishments, child care facilities, grocery markets, neighborhood work centers and other facilities which will reduce home-based vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 6, 10-20-2009)