§ 8109-4.1.3. General and special exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    A discretionary permit is not required if the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that proposed grading or structures will not be visible from any road right-of-way within the County General Plan Regional Road Network or scenic lake identified by the County General Plan, or other location as specified by an Area Plan. Visibility from the Regional Road Network shall be measured from the sidewalk, if available, or as close as practical to the edge of pavement.


    A discretionary permit is not required for:


    Restoration of land to its prior condition following floods, landslides or natural disasters;


    Construction of an at-grade pool on a previously approved graded area;


    Re-grading of existing or previously irrigated agricultural areas for agricultural purposes so long as no new excavation or fill would exceed five (5) feet in height;


    Removal of: agricultural crops, vegetation on previously cultivated agricultural areas that have been abandoned for up to five (5) years or on land classified as Prime, Statewide Importance or Unique on the California Department of Conservation Important Farmlands Inventory, landscape vegetation, and non-native invasive plants and escaped exotics found on the list compiled by the California invasive Plant Council; or


    Vegetation modification adjacent to existing buildings as required by the Fire Protection District (VCFPD) pursuant to VCFPD Ordinance, or pursuant to a Community Wildfire Protection Plan or similar fuel modification/wildfire protection plan adopted by the VCFPD.

(Ord. No. 4413, § 2, 4-6-2010)